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should i leave him


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Hi everyone, this is the first time i white a message , but i need advace fast. i have been marry for 3 years. this last year i had a dauther and now she is one. for about 2 years now me and my husband had been having a lot of problems, like arguing for nothing. i am also in college, i only need one more year to finish. last semester i was having the same stuped problems with my husband arguing about nothing. i always demand his attention and he always tell me i compleint too much. i did not have a computer last semester, wish made it very hard for me to do all my schoolwork. I always had to stay late at school to do my work, while i had the baby with a babysitter. last december my husband gave me a cumputer for chistmass. i was very happy and he told me this was my present, because he wanted me to be happy. Now that i have my cumputer i have more problems with my husband than ever, i even thinking about moving out. He is always using the cumputer and finding things i don't like, exotic dancers, ect... he is finding new "friends" online. what batter me the most is that he lies about everything, but everytime i am going to use the computer, i find something that he has been doing. he keep telling me he love me, and that he doesn't want me to go, but why he act so stupied.. i just don't know what to do any more, it look like my marrige is falling apart. i don't want my dauther to grow up with out a father, but i don't want her to see us arguing all the time. he is always telling me i'm wrong to think that he is cheeting on me, but i do't know... another thing that i haven't tell you is that i'm only 22 years old and he is 30, but sometimes i think i'm more mature than him. another thing is,if i leave him i might have to leave school too. PLEASE SEND ME A RESPONCE, i feel so heart broken that i don't know what to do, but i love him so much that this is killing me inside.

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I don't think your husband places a great value on this marriage. He is also extremely selfish to buy you a computer and then use it to find exotic dancers and whatever else.


Is it possible he will agree to marriage counselling. I think it's important to try to improve your marriage if you can. You are very young and you should have to suffer a very long lifetime with someone who does not value you and his marriage.


Nobody can tell you to stay or leave. You have to make that decision based on your own feelings. If you do everything possible to make things better and nothing works, you have no choice but to leave and make a better life for yourself.


It takes a lot more than love to make a good relationship. I just can't understand why so many people have to find this out the hard way.

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