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Dumpee asking dumper for second chance... any point?

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Some may know my BU story from other forum board, but a quick recap. Was in RS for 1 year, boyf was going through divorce proceedings, the day after it finalised he ended it, saying he needed time alone to sort his head and life out. We were about to move in together so it's left me with some big practical problems. He has said he is too ashamed of hurting me to talk about it and his friends have contacted me to ask why he is acting weird - they didn't even know he had broken up with me. I've been NC for a week now, he has contacted me once via text but only for a practical matter. He has told me he doesn't want me out of his life completely, "just for now", but I don't really know what that means.


I am definitely wanting to uphold NC for at least a month as it is helping me to gain some perspective, also, due to the moving in situation, I had given up my apartment and job and found a new job in his city already, so I've got plenty of my own stuff to worry about anyway.


However, I really do feel that I want him to give it a second chance. I struggled in the RS because the divorce made me a little clingy and made me want to rush our future to be 'equal' to her. I know that sounds ridiculous but I realise now it was stupid - all I really want is to be his girl.


I am considering reaching out to him in a month or so, to ask if he would like to try again. Any of the very few issues we had were down to the divorce and once things are better circumstantially, maybe it's worth a try. I love this man deeply and don't feel like I can let him go without trying.


I also hope that as we will now live in the same city, the pressure to live together will not be there. I want to suggest a second first date.


Am I crazy?

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I think as we ascertained last thread you are the rebound and he ditched you as soon as he got his divorce.


He is not the most communicative and the fact he is keeping you in the dark and dangling (he doesn't want me out of his life completely, "just for now") is not a good sign, and I do not really think he will respond to NC either.


So regarding contacting him, nothing ventured, nothing gained, but do not build your hopes up too much here.

He may in fact want his wife back or be seeing someone else, and is too ashamed to tell his friends, do not assume he is pining for you. Men sometimes want "breaks" just to pursue other options, or maybe he just doesn't want to get out of the frying pan into the fire and wants to be alone for a while.


IME men who want you, just want you, there is no messing around.

I am not hopeful here for a reconciliation, but I could be wrong.

Good luck, whatever you decide.

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