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shower show stripper!!

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guest 2810

my boyfriend is going on a stag weekend this weekend, and i have heard of a thing in the strip clubs, called "shower shows" that involve women in showers!! can anyone enlighten me on this as im feeling a bit uneasy!!! what goes on??







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From what I've heard, it's basically like a woman showering with a glass on one side where people can see in. I have no idea if this woman is alone or with another woman or what. ::shudder::

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Originally posted by guest 2810

my boyfriend is going on a stag weekend this weekend, and i have heard of a thing in the strip clubs, called "shower shows" that involve women in showers!! can anyone enlighten me on this as im feeling a bit uneasy!!! what goes on??









If it's a show it can't be that bad.

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Its a small shower on stage. The girls kinda move slow to the music while the water runs over their bodies. Thats it. Actually,...straight stripping is worse. The showering thing seems quite tame compared. No,...you have nothing to worry about. Unless you have a problem with your guy going to a strip joint.

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let me guess though, Scarly..You don't have a prob with

your man going to strip clubs, right? Just curious.

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Originally posted by SexKitten

are you worried about all the strippers, or just the wet/clean ones?



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No,...actually I dont have a problem with at all. Ive even gone to strip clubs and run INTO him and his buddies..... lol...

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Why do you ask,.. Bicycle? You have it out for me now dont you ;):D

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While I don't like the idea of MY man going to see this kind of "show" it sounds really hot :o

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Scarly, no, i don't have it out for you....I just figured you'd

be fine with it, you seem like the type.


It's just that, no offense, but your attitude and views

towards things of the trust/relationship-type, differ quite a lot, from

those of women I know or most women in general.


Not every woman in the world would go to a strip joint. Not every woman

in the world would go to a strip joint with

her man, or even feel comfortable letting her man go to a strip joint.

It's not always simply an insecurity thing on the woman's

part. It's just respect.


You are fine with it and that's great. But not every woman is like

you, nor should they have to be like you. I know you're not implying that

I'm just saying.

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guest 2810

thanks for you replies!


I am kinda ok with him going to a strip club - i dont like the thought of it but wouldnt stop him going. The lap dances and the private dances are def a no no for me, i just couldnt handle that!!


the strip club he would be going to said the showershow was a private one, so i take it thats a 1 on 1 show - would that be the same, just watching through glass one on one??


i just wondered if the shower show was more rude, and there was more to it that simply showering, i read somewhere on the net that in some, u can wash the girls? is that tru??


I just think its crazy men can pay to watch a woman shower! oh well!!!





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Okay,.....thats ok,.....but I do think your first mistake is the way you worded that one sentence "........or even LETTING her man go to a strip joint....." Letting??? Would you sit down with your girlfriends and hold your head up high and say your man did or didnt LET you do something???? Your his wife,........not his mother.

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I've heard the men can pay to actually get in the shower (with their clothes or underwear on) with a nude/semi-nude stripper.


If my H does that, he can stay with the strippers. I'd be out.

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Originally posted by scarlyjones

Okay,.....thats ok,.....but I do think your first mistake is the way you worded that one sentence "........or even LETTING her man go to a strip joint....." Letting??? Would you sit down with your girlfriends and hold your head up high and say your man did or didnt LET you do something???? Your his wife,........not his mother.



Seriously Scarey! I think you should hook up with my ex! He had no boundaries just like you and would say also go on big speals about language that sounded controlling. I'm SURE she didnt mean "letting" him go as in un-doing his ball and chain to let him go have some fun with permission! OBVIOUSLY you can't conrtol who someone is or what they DO...but you can't go on with a relationship where your partner is just doing whatever they want with no regards to your feelings! AGAIN its about respect and love. If this guy is going to strip clubs and she is upset by this then they should talk it out. If its so important he goes along, then maybe they can define together what boundaries should be in place first.


Also I hear alot from women thay they souldnt just dump thier man when he does something thats hurts her feelings. I belive you can work things out with love and comminication. But if he shows no sighns of WILLINGNESS to compromise, then maybe it best to walk away and that is not love and without respect, there is no relationship.


Watch out for controlling language girls or scarey will be on your case....but I know what you meant!!! :p

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