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Feeling really guilty about a bad choice, what should i do?!

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I am feeling really guilty! My boyfirend and i have eben together for about a year and a half now and we both love each other VERY VERY much. we haev a wonderful relationship and trust each other a lot. The other night i went out w/ some frineds and i got VERY drunk and flirted with a guy a lot. We never kissed or anythign but we were really cuddly and everything. I am feeling really bad about this because i love my boyfriend so much and i don't even know why i was flirting witht he other guy. I am really hesitant on telling my boyfriend about it though because i know it would break his heart. Not to mention, i know he would never be able to trust me like he does. I have now gien up on drinking at all when he isn't aorund because i don't want somethign like this to happen ever agian. I'm feeling soooo guilty though that my stomach hurts and i have a headache. Should i tell him and risk hurting him so much or should i leave it to myself and deal with the guilt?


Please help, i really feel awful and want to know what to do.

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Jeez girl take it easy... AND DONT TELL HIM... You will forget about it soon enough. And yes cut out the drinking if it makes you act like you otherwise wouldnt.


As far as the guilt trip goes, you arent going to help yourself by feeling all guilty inside. You cant tell him and that is that..

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I agree.


I'd only worry about it if it maskign that you are truly unhappy inside and alcohol was able to bring that unhappiness out of you.


So if you can honestly say that you love him are happy with him and consider yourself in an ideal relationship, then knock off the hooch and going to bars and have a nice life together.

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Question for you: If the roles were reversed, would you want your boyfriend to be open and honest to you about it? Either you have honesty and respect in your relationship or not. By not telling him you are being dishonest and disrespectful to him. What kind of person do you wish to be? I wish you luck.

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Yes, deal with your guilt on your own and don't tell him! It's the alcohol that does such things to us. It augments our physical senses and blinds our common sense. We get very horny and not thinking of the consequences. We do and say things we'd never do in a normal (sober) state.

Don't drink a lot when he's not around! That's a good decision. After all you didn't cheat on him and it's good that you feel guilty over what you did. It proves you're a good girl! :)

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Sal Paradise
Originally posted by Emmy

I am feeling really guilty! My boyfirend and i have eben together for about a year and a half now and we both love each other VERY VERY much. we haev a wonderful relationship and trust each other a lot. The other night i went out w/ some frineds and i got VERY drunk and flirted with a guy a lot. We never kissed or anythign but we were really cuddly and everything. I am feeling really bad about this because i love my boyfriend so much and i don't even know why i was flirting witht he other guy. I am really hesitant on telling my boyfriend about it though because i know it would break his heart. Not to mention, i know he would never be able to trust me like he does. I have now gien up on drinking at all when he isn't aorund because i don't want somethign like this to happen ever agian. I'm feeling soooo guilty though that my stomach hurts and i have a headache. Should i tell him and risk hurting him so much or should i leave it to myself and deal with the guilt?


Please help, i really feel awful and want to know what to do.


TELL HIM! Don't be a coward, you made one mistake don't make another by not telling him. Despite what some here are saying ALCOHOL IS NO EXCUSE to betray the person you love. By keeping it from him you're betraying him twice.

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