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Sex and making love

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A friend asked me this question and I didn't have a good answer. Is there a place between Sex and Making love. I told her yes but she wants a word that describes it.Sex is too casual and Making loves has too many expectations.


So if any of you have any ideas please let me know



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Is there a place between Sex and Making love. I told her yes but she wants a word that describes it. Sex is too casual and Making loves has too many expectations.


...making lovely sex?????


...exclusive shagging???


i don't think there is a particular word to describe it because the feelings that go with what you term as "inbetween" sex and making love, would vary for so many people.


not to mention, what some people view as "making love" and what some people view as "sex" can be very different indeed.


many people have their own ideas about the two. some people could just go out and have "sex" with someone they've met that night and feel ok about it. some people can just have "sex" with a long-term friend. some people think that they "made love" when they had a one-night stand with a person they met at the bar, got along famously with, horizontal bopped with, and never saw again.


to me, sex is the technical term for what i refer to as "making love" when i am in love with a guy. when i am in love, i make love.


hmmmm, the more i think about it, the more perplexed i become. i guess what i'm thinking right now, is that if you aren't in love with somebody, then it's "sex", with strong feelings, but not love.


i hope you get my drift, tess!!!!

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I don't really think this is something you can define because it's really different for everybody. Sometimes a person can really love the one they're with...honestly. For that moment.


I think a lot of people prefer to call it making love because it sounds a lot better than just having sex. But many people do whatever you want to call it just for fun, whether they're in a relationship or not. Sometimes people do it to have fun, totally forgetting that nature kind of meant it for reproductive purposes and they seem surprised to get word from the doctor that a little pepito has resulted from the togetherness. Actually, that happens more than just sometimes.


You can have sex with someone you love. And you can make love with someone you don't really love all the time...just in that moment.


Rodney Dangerfield talks about how scared he was the first time he had sex...he was all alone.


You can also have sex with a stranger if you're horny enough or drunk enough. Sometimes you don't have to be either. You may prefer sex to shaking hands.


Maybe I ought to start a website...something like www.makingloveorhavingsex.com There would be a questionaire to fill out and then for $5 I could have my computer tell which it was.


I think as long as it feels good, nobody gets diseases or emotional hurt, there are no unwanted pregnancies, there are no illegal transactions of money, neither party is committed to a person other than the one they are having sex or making love to, there is no hidden video being made, etc., I don't think it makes a lot of difference.


Sometimes in the absense of the ability to make love with someone, a lot of people think a great round of sex is the best thing in the world.


But with someone special, nothing beats making love...except Monday Night Football (during the season).

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