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my gut says she likes me a lot

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messed up i cant edit for 20 minutes


- She stared at me in class with glowing eyes and a striking smile and i caught her and held the gaze for 3-5 seconds


-She bumped into me in class hard and said "oops"


-Gave me her number after i asked


-always makes eye contact (like looking over her shoulder at me and when i see her she flinches lol)


-When i seen her in the hallway she gave me a little girly wave and a smile (she isnt a girly girl, is a punk type) and the wave was like her elbow touching the waist and a quick waving thing, u know its girly because guys wouldnt do that. Also waved at me while driving by in her car.


-She seems to play hard to get a lot


-ALWAYS points her shoulders toward me in class or whever she is and always gets in my line of view.


-Sometimes gets angry (looks very stressed in the eyes) with me when i ask why we havent hung out outside of class, then the next days she all happy like it nvr happened


-mirrors me in class sometimes


-blew smoke in front of my face very slow and sexy


-i told her i like her but she said " i dont know u very well but u seem like a great guy, your fun to hang around with and im very comfortable with me" (SHE LEFT ME IN THE MIDDLE, didnt say she seen me as only a friend, she left the wondering to me)


-Also hid her BF from me (of 5 yrs) then outta the blue tells me he moved to location X and she said she knew nothing was goin to come outta it and he was nothing more than a best friend then planned lunch with me then avoided it kinda lol


-SHE acts unnattainable (like shes always busy, but doesnt say it) im about 99% shes playing hard to get


-Says she wants to hang out, but kinda avoids it (says yes to hanging out, nvr has she said no or gave any other excuse, ALways YES! -


-last day of college she invites me to take another class with her and says i can carpool with her (so i do now)


-she goes outta her way to talk with me, talks about random things, like us wearing samekinda things and her liking green apple.


-whenever we talk she is always smiling and with bright eyes


-soemtimes she acts weird and cant even look me into the eyes when she talks, kinda grumbles


- ONE time i talked about another girl to myfriend she musta overheard because when she went to my table to roll clay, i said hi, she kept her head down, looked red and LITERALLY grumbled something lol.


-WHen we hangout driving together shes happy and we have a great time.


-ALthought she hasnt told me she liked me i know she does, i told her i like her, Im prolly guesssing she wants to really get to know me more.


-She usually can talk with me when we are alone and always does


-she walks beside me and usualyl brushes agasint my side (she doesnt say anything when shes walking next to me)


-She gives mixed signals tho, soo im like uh yeah huh?! omfg! lol



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Don't make yourself so available. Now that she knows you like her (don't say that again), she'll continue playing her little games.


Put on your cloak and disappear for awhile. She wants a challenge, so give her one.

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Thanks buddy, i keep my options open tho, im hanging out with 3 other girls right now. I dont act needy, i act like i have stuff to do and i told her im goin to be busy (2 jobs +class, which impressed her) I call her maybe once every 1-2 weeks just to talk about minor stuff, sometimes i dont call for a long time :-P, i am th eone usually hanging up on the phone. In fact when i seen her last at the art show b4 she invited me to join class with her, i was hanging with a cute friend of mine and she seen me with her. I think by now shes realizing if she doesnt act she will lose me. Im not goin to take any **** or games and crash n burn with them, like many guys do. Best of all, i think me not giving her too much attention, but just enough is what really makes her wonder inside, "if he likes me why doesnt he show it, he losing interest? what should i dO! lol

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Sounds like you've got a plan... way to go.


Most guys keep all their eggs in one basket, and the girl knows it. Then she goes off and dates someone else. You're doing the right thing by staying flexible.


Let us know how it turns out.

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