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Crazy dreams and Paxil...link?


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I am wondering if there is a link between the two?...I keep having these bizzare dreams at night..and I just started taking paxil 5 weeks ago .....anyone else relate?



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I believe I remember someone on another board once mentioning that they were having some very strange and vivid dreams while taking Paxil.


Do a search on the net for "paxil"..like using a search engine such as Google , and you might come up with message boards that contain posts from people who are taking Paxil.



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It is quite common to have more active dream stages and to dream more weirds sorts of stuff on many anti-depressants. Paxil is actually one of the more tame ones. Norpramin heads the list of reports of bizarre dream states. This is not something to be concerned about. Hopefully, you can enjoy be entertained by them.

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