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Lover to Best friend to...?

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I have worked with a guy for 4 years. There were sparks from the get-go and about 6 months after we met we ended up in a casual relationship for about a year. I then found out he had begun to seriously date someone else so I ended it. I was quite hurt and upset at the time, and it was a huge learning curve for me. I avoided him for the next 6 months.


Since then, he has moved in with this girl and we have rekindled the friendship. I date other people, no one serious. We work in the same group so I see him every day. We have so much fun together, we have breakfast and dinner together almost every day (we work long hours at a law firm and meals are provided). I have never wanted to spend so much time with someone, I'm quite an independent person. But I get along with him better than anyone I've ever known. There is still amazing chemistry but he knows I will never sleep with him again, at least not while he has a girlfriend. We flirt, but he respects my boundaries.


I guess my question is whether it is wise to continue with this friendship. He is my best friend, and I love him dearly, but I am not "in love" with him because of the betrayal earlier on. He tells me he loves me all the time, and bitches about his girlfriend etc etc... I am happy right now but who knows how long until I want more? We are so perfect for each other, but I don't think I could ever trust him if we were in a relationship. Anyone been in a similar situation?

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Well me myself havent been in that situation but i have a friend who is. This is kind of complicated too!


My friends ex is now my girlfriend but him and her are still friends and i hate it because he winds me up saying that he likes her and stuff and that he just wants another shag and he always asks her to get back with him! They too were lovers but are now 'friends' and she thinks its great but cant see that all he wants is to boost his ego! He cheated on her and shes already gave him a boost by still being friends so now he wants to get her in bed again and he'll be like 'i cheated on her and got away with it and still got another shag'.


Basically in this case he wants to be friends just to annoy me and get sex again, not because he thinks shes fun!


You could end up being hurt again if you continue to grow closer (I dont agree with exs being friends, too complicated) He could be bored of her and whats more of a challenge than getting back with his ex whos heart he broke!!!

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