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Concerned and not too happy.

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Concerned and not too happy.

Hi, Would anyone like to offer me any positive ideas on rebuilding a social life, after my love life crashed and burned.


Also consider that I find I have lost contact with a lot of friends, and think I have a low self esteem. Well I done a test at www.physchtests.com and scored 55%, but U gotta allow for errors in these thing haven`t you!


I can re-establish contact with my mates, I`ve only been out of circulation about a year, but I feel aphrehensive about mixing again. A bit worried what they`ll think of me and that.


I`m trying to focus in on a career in the police, but I need a social life, I`m 25 and feel alone - well if I think about it too much.


I know there are good people out there, so any ideas etc. are very welcomed. Thanks and bye....

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It's quite sad that you had to forsake your friendships because of a relationship. A lot of people do this and are very sorry later on.


Many of these friends will restore their friendship with you, others will be hurt because you ceased contact. But you only have to re-establish or make one or two friends and it blossoms from there. One friend introduces you to a number of his or her friends...and it goes on and on from there.


You can make friends anywhere. Good, true friends are forever. Lovers can come and go. I hope you've learned your lesson.

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Concerned and not too happy.

Cheers Tony, I positively have learnt my lesson, I left myself too vunerable. I shall not make the same mistake twice, I can tell you.


Time to swallow a little pride and eat humble pie....


best wishes

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are you british by any chance?


i know this sounds like a stupid question, but i've noticed the brits say "cheers" a lot!


also, when you start to rebuild your friendships with those you lost contact with, you will find it is easier to move on from your love life.


it's good to hear that you have you head screwed on and know you won't make the same mistakes again.


cheers (hehe) :)

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Concerned and not too happy.

Yeah, I`m Northern Irish and you`re no dozer.


I know whats right usually, but everyone needs a little encouragement once in while. Thanks for your post. :)

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Yeah, I`m Northern Irish and you`re no dozer.


i guess a 'no dozer' is someone who isn't er...dumb?? hehe. that guess could be my undoing!


take care of yourself. with your optimistic attitude, you can't go wrong :)


(notice how these posts keep coming up twice? very weird, eh?)

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Concerned and not too happy.

Yeah, I thought I may have made a mistake when I posted my last response, but I can`t see how.


And you too make sure and take care of yourself, i hope your life`s full of good health and happiness.. :):)

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