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how to make a guy fall for you?

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I like this guy who seemingly has no feelings for me, even though we **** every week. My very first sexual experience, I have had with him, and had soon developed an attachment to him.

I was a pretty inexperienced girl, from a conservative environment. Coming into university, I really just expected myself to get into a proper relationship. Instead, I get this casual **** friend who has no emotions for me.



I am always the one to ask for a night together, yet he would always say yes. He or I would stay for the night on a weekend, and basically spend all of the next day together. During the week, we have minimal conversation, but when we are together, the banter is incredible. We definitely connect on a deeper level, our humor is completely compatible, we have similar opinions, behaviours and lifestyles. I guess I see a bit of myself in him and that's why I didn't want us to just ****.

Another major factor is that he is amazingly gorgeous. I've never come across someone as good looking as him before. Never in my life would I have thought that I could have sexual encounters with him. I've put him on a pedestal and to be honest, this is an once in a lifetime opportunity so I don't want to take him off. I don't think I'll get the chance to **** anyone as hot as him in the future.

I know this is shallow, but I need to be shallow young so I can learn my lesson.



I know some stereotypes state that men are able to **** anything without having feelings for them, and girls are more susceptible to develop emotions for their casual partner, even though she is treated like a piece of meat.

Another common theory is that if the guy had no feelings for you in the beginning, he will never develop feelings as time goes on.



He and I met 4 months ago, and have hung out every week since then. How can he have no desire for something more? Hes knows what my feelings are for him, and has let me know that he is happy with what we have now (thank god he did not end it there and then).

There are no other girls in his life, and he does not have many friends. But the thing is, he is very content with his life right now and he does not crave companionship, unlike many other people (me).




Are there some options I could try to increase his interest in me? The good ol' find another temporary guy method, and try make him jealous? Stop hitting him up for a week or two, and see what happens? Or try to communicate with him more frequently than usual, through social media?



Do not try convince me to give him up, I can give up, it will just take time and a distraction. I just want to experiment with my mediocre life. It will be a fun and interesting ride.



Thanks! :)

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I'd like to harder one broken heart with a side of regret please.




Yes ma'am, coming right up.





You know what's going to happen and you are trying anyway. Is he really so special or is it because he is some one.

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If he's as good looking as you think he is, then you clearly think he's out of your league. The truth would be he has lots of options and probably likes to keep them open. I fell for a devastatingly good looking guy, and if I'm honest, I never unfell for him, but I learned to manage it, though at no time did that involve him considering me his actual girlfriend.


If he's really good looking, he has a slew of women every day climbing on him, and I mean that literally. After a while, this will lose its glamour for him, though maybe never on a sexual level. He may always partake from the freely flowing fountain because it's there and because he's a man. But for a relationship, he's probably bored by the steady onslaught of lambs begging to be slaughtered, and so you've got to set yourself apart from that and NEVER pursue him and never fawn over him until and unless he has done something to truly deserve it. Because this is the problem. Guys like this get tired of women who expect nothing of them. They think they're idiots. They want a woman to like them for things other than their looks.


My male fatale finally grew a big beard over that million dollar face just so he could prove to himself he had merit without the babyface. He had trouble finding self-esteem while things were just given to him as easy as knocking over a house of cards.


So keep self-respect at the forefront of your mind at all times. Don't give anything to him that he hasn't earned. If he's not plugging in, you shouldn't be plugged in. You shouldn't be initiating anything unless he is mostly the one initiating. Don't let him get away with crap like being late. Think more of yourself than to offer yourself to this guy on a plate, and he will think more of you as well. That way you will be a breath of fresh air to him.

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I like this guy who seemingly has no feelings for me, even though we **** every week. My very first sexual experience, I have had with him, and had soon developed an attachment to him.



Are there some options I could try to increase his interest in me? The good ol' find another temporary guy method, and try make him jealous? Stop hitting him up for a week or two, and see what happens? Or try to communicate with him more frequently than usual, through social media?



Do not try convince me to give him up, I can give up, it will just take time and a distraction. I just want to experiment with my mediocre life. It will be a fun and interesting ride.


Oh dear.


I realize you think he's all that & it breaks my heart that he was your 1st.


You may think that you have this great, deep connection. But honestly, you are just some girl he's banging. You make it easy for him. You show up. You call. You give him sex whenever. He does not respect you & you can't make a guy like this fall for you.


Continue enjoying the sex if you like but dissuade yourself of any notion that this guy sees you as anything other than a F-buddy. Sorry.

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I'd like to harder one broken heart with a side of regret please.


Yes ma'am, coming right up.



You know what's going to happen and you are trying anyway. Is he really so special or is it because he is some one.


I've already had my heart broken by him, and many of my expectations (that shouldn't even exist) were failed to be met, so I am actually now quite immune to being hurt by him. I certainly do not regret us meeting, or getting my heart broken.

Life's no fun when you don't experience pain right? I really enjoy my life right now, he just just a part of a little adventurous detour.


To answer your questions about whether if he is special or not; he's not. He is just someone that is exceptionally good looking and I just want play around a bit and test how someone like him will react to certain things.

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If he's really good looking, he has a slew of women every day climbing on him, and I mean that literally. After a while, this will lose its glamour for him, though maybe never on a sexual level. He may always partake from the freely flowing fountain because it's there and because he's a man. But for a relationship, he's probably bored by the steady onslaught of lambs begging to be slaughtered, and so you've got to set yourself apart from that and NEVER pursue him and never fawn over him until and unless he has done something to truly deserve it. Because this is the problem. Guys like this get tired of women who expect nothing of them. They think they're idiots. They want a woman to like them for things other than their looks.



So keep self-respect at the forefront of your mind at all times. Don't give anything to him that he hasn't earned. If he's not plugging in, you shouldn't be plugged in. You shouldn't be initiating anything unless he is mostly the one initiating. Don't let him get away with crap like being late. Think more of yourself than to offer yourself to this guy on a plate, and he will think more of you as well. That way you will be a breath of fresh air to him.


I know for sure that he does not have a slew of women climbing on him everyday. I have had access to his social media and all he has is a few friends, and the occasional conversation from me. He is a relatively simple, introverted guy who enjoys playing computer games and watching shows alone to take up most of his time. (We are in our early years of university). Most girls get put off by his personality and unresponsiveness, and would not pursue him further, so basically I got so lucky that he is even responsive to me.

Though, if I'm not the one to hit him up, I don't think he will contact me at all. I've never tried to ignore him for more than a few days so I guess I should try this method? I know contacting him first may make me seem as weak, but i have to sacrifice my image for us to at least continue our ****ty relationship.

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Oh dear.


I realize you think he's all that & it breaks my heart that he was your 1st.


You may think that you have this great, deep connection. But honestly, you are just some girl he's banging. You make it easy for him. You show up. You call. You give him sex whenever. He does not respect you & you can't make a guy like this fall for you.


Continue enjoying the sex if you like but dissuade yourself of any notion that this guy sees you as anything other than a F-buddy. Sorry.


I do not mind that he was my first, it's just that I never would have thought that my first relationship is just a casual relationship. That was what hit me the most. I came with an expectation and it was completely shut down.

But it was good because now I'm a more hardened girl who is definitely wiser and more experienced than before (still not that wise though, since I still want to pursue him).


Yea, but thanks for your input though! I'll just keep our relationship going and see what happens.

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To answer your questions about whether if he is special or not; he's not. He is just someone that is exceptionally good looking and I just want play around a bit and test how someone like him will react to certain things.


I feel you try to defend yourself on this thread by saying that. It doesn't sound genuine, at least I don't want to believe you think that way about him. Exceptionally good looking people have the same feelings as everyone. If you want more, you can start by being authentic, it is something that is becoming rare. Then you can get to know him, and see if he will open up to you about his hopes and dreams, his fears and insecurities. Say something on a deeper level and see if he meets you on the same plane. And of course you reciprocate if he opens up. Try to see him beyond the good looks.

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I feel you try to defend yourself on this thread by saying that. It doesn't sound genuine, at least I don't want to believe you think that way about him. Exceptionally good looking people have the same feelings as everyone. If you want more, you can start by being authentic, it is something that is becoming rare. Then you can get to know him, and see if he will open up to you about his hopes and dreams, his fears and insecurities. Say something on a deeper level and see if he meets you on the same plane. And of course you reciprocate if he opens up. Try to see him beyond the good looks.


Yea, maybe i am sh*tposting because I was bitter about him. As I've said before, I truly like him because I felt like we've connected on a deeper level (which is most likely just one sided connection from me :)) and his looks are just a bonus.

But much appreciation for your suggestions! The next time I meet him, I will try asking those questions, the answers will be interesting! Or rather, they might be half-assed, and jokingly answered. Never know unless I try! All about the timing as well... Okay I have to stop overthinking about this... Thanks!

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