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saw someone I know on a dating site, what do I do now?

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I was on a dating site yesterday and saw a girl I flirt with sometimes at work on there. I wasn't sure it was her when I clicked on it and even when I saw the profile I wasn't sure. A few hours later I logged on and the profile was gone. It was bugging me so I asked a friend to log into his to see if she was there and it was gone. Later on I was shopping and I ran into her, she was in a hurry to leave but she was friendly and asking questions about what I was buying and stuff like that. I'm pretty sure she knows I saw it but I'm not sure what to do next. If she was even a little interested would she delete her profile? Or she saw me on there and bailed?

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I am a bit confused by your post...


Are you asking this because you want to know if she is interested in you or are you asking this because she is involved with another person that you know of and are wondering if she is interested in cheating with you?


If it is the former, then I submit to you she is looking to meet someone and she just has not found that person yet. and if that's the case, she is simply exploring options, because that's what single people on dating websites do.



If it's the latter I don't think you would be very receptive to the advice I would give you...lol.

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I was on a dating site yesterday and saw a girl I flirt with sometimes at work on there. I wasn't sure it was her when I clicked on it and even when I saw the profile I wasn't sure. A few hours later I logged on and the profile was gone. It was bugging me so I asked a friend to log into his to see if she was there and it was gone. Later on I was shopping and I ran into her, she was in a hurry to leave but she was friendly and asking questions about what I was buying and stuff like that. I'm pretty sure she knows I saw it but I'm not sure what to do next. If she was even a little interested would she delete her profile? Or she saw me on there and bailed?


Do nothing. Treat her the same way you always do.

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