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Re: tony, i need to talk to you please!

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STOP reading Carl Jung. The work of various psychiatrists down through the ages may or may not be relative to what you are going through. However, you are hardly qualified to make that determination. You need a lot more medical and psychological background than you have to properly put these things into perspective. Meanwhile, you can screw yourself up pretty good by misinterpreting your reading or misapplying material to your own situation. YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO DO THIS. STOP STOP STOP.


If you have questions, copy the material you have read and mail or fax it to your physician for an opinion. However, you will be far better served to limit your reading. It is also not a good idea for someone of your constitution to read about the medications you take. Trust your physician and pharmacist to make the proper determination as to the medications you need at this time.


If you feel you are on an incorrect medication, discuss this with your physician.


There is absolutely no way I am going to contradict any drug therapy that a competent medical doctor has administered to you.


Your hyperventilation syndrome is due to stress. When we breathe too rapidly (take very short, rapid breaths), we are hyperventilating. You get dizzy and feel tingly because you blood gas ratios get out of whack. Take a small bag and breathe into it for 20 or 30 seconds and you should feel fine. It may be happening in your sleep due to nightmares or dreams you are having.


Don't come off any of the medications you are taking. Discuss your concerns with your physician. Let him/her know exactly how you feel. I promise you, most doctors won't keep you on meds any longer than they feel is absolutely necessary.


You either have to work with your doctors and trust them or just plain deal with everything alone. I think you are much better off working with the doctors.


You are also way too uptight. You need to learn to meditate and relax.


You are obviously going through a lot of stress. This has been going on for way too long. Get asssitance from your doctor, clergy, counsellors, or any other competent persons on how you can reduce the stress in your life.

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No offense intended, Jennie, but, I think you should be talking to your doctor about these issues. I know you specified Tony in your post, but I simply have to respond.


Tony, no doubt about it, gives great advice, but this is a 'loveshack' board, not a medication board. Try webmd or better yet, talk to your doctor! (Although maybe Tony is a doctor...I don't know.)


I've been reading all of your issues, and I feel for you, but you really need to take responsiblity. Bad things happen to all of us. I'm sure that everyone on this board has skeletons in their closet. I really feel for all of your pain, but this definitely isn't the place to lay it out. We (meaning the board) can't help you with every issue that comes up with your life. We can do our best to give you advice, but that's it. You already know in your heart what the right move is.


Please, talk to your therapist and get some help. If I prayed, I'd say that you're in my prayers, but I don't, so I'll just say that I'm thinking of you and I hope you can get it together. I don't mean to sound harsh, but in my opinion this really isn't an issue for a love board. Please talk to your doctor and tell him/her what you're going through.

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tony, i obviously have left completely yet. i just wanted to tell you that the reason i did not want to take meds anymore cause i think they cause more stress cause i feel weak for having to take them.


i am going to stay on the paxil tho, i guess i owe it to myself to see if it helps. it's just when things happen like last night the hyperventilation while i was asleep, i blame on the paxil and the stress from taking meds when not wanting to.


taking meds was my decision, not the dr.'s i was told they may help my jealousy and control problems cause i was obsessing about my boyfriend and it was causes so many problems he was ready to leave me and i hated myself for what i was asking him.


a long line of interrogation and it drove us both crazy! anyway, i think it has helped alot already, just since i was on the celexa alone, i quit alot of that stuff.


when i found i could quit with meds then i thought maybe now i can do it without and that is what i want to find out.


but i decided maybe paxil can help me with the anxiety and social phobia stuff, so that is my reason to continue taking it.


i'm not going to come here and post tho for a while anyway. i need to think on my own and quit seeking advice from everyone and just follow my own instincts.


thank you tho for all your help, you have been a good friend, something that i wish so much that i had. anyway, i will check back sometimes....take care..........jennie


p.s. the reason i did delete my posts is cause i don't want my boyfriend finding them, so just to let you know in advance i will probably delete any further one including this one too. thanx!

STOP reading Carl Jung. The work of various psychiatrists down through the ages may or may not be relative to what you are going through. However, you are hardly qualified to make that determination. You need a lot more medical and psychological background than you have to properly put these things into perspective. Meanwhile, you can screw yourself up pretty good by misinterpreting your reading or misapplying material to your own situation. YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO DO THIS. STOP STOP STOP. If you have questions, copy the material you have read and mail or fax it to your physician for an opinion. However, you will be far better served to limit your reading. It is also not a good idea for someone of your constitution to read about the medications you take. Trust your physician and pharmacist to make the proper determination as to the medications you need at this time. If you feel you are on an incorrect medication, discuss this with your physician. There is absolutely no way I am going to contradict any drug therapy that a competent medical doctor has administered to you. Your hyperventilation syndrome is due to stress. When we breathe too rapidly (take very short, rapid breaths), we are hyperventilating. You get dizzy and feel tingly because you blood gas ratios get out of whack. Take a small bag and breathe into it for 20 or 30 seconds and you should feel fine. It may be happening in your sleep due to nightmares or dreams you are having.


Don't come off any of the medications you are taking. Discuss your concerns with your physician. Let him/her know exactly how you feel. I promise you, most doctors won't keep you on meds any longer than they feel is absolutely necessary. You either have to work with your doctors and trust them or just plain deal with everything alone. I think you are much better off working with the doctors. You are also way too uptight. You need to learn to meditate and relax. You are obviously going through a lot of stress. This has been going on for way too long. Get asssitance from your doctor, clergy, counsellors, or any other competent persons on how you can reduce the stress in your life.

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