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Tony, did you notice?


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Tony, did you notice that two of the posts you responded to were ?deleted? (7 Yr Itch 2) and (Why am I feeling so frustrated?). I just can't figure out why people post something, then remove it. Maybe it's some kind of glitch with the board, because like with these two, it seems to often be only your response that's left 'dangling.'



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Well, yeah, it's a little embarassing for me. But people do have the option of deleting their posts at anytime. It's one of the features of this board.


I think sometimes people may be embarassed by the answers that are given...but more often I think they are afraid a partner or spouse may see it and identify them with their post.


So once they've gotten their answer, I guess it's OK if they delete it. That's one of the reasons the site has a delete feature, I suppose.


In an ideal world, people wouldn't do that...but, then again, in an ideal world nobody would have difficulties with love and romance.


Hope you have a great weekend!!!


Deletedly yours,



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Ahhh! I never thought of that, but that does make good sense.....they delete them after they've received the responses, because they don't want their SO to find them.


Veddy interestink!


Have a great weekend, yourself!!! :-))



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I just re-read the posts in question and absolutely remember getting replies from the posters that were pretty positive. Why, after that, they decided to remove their posts is beyond me. The only reason I can think of is that they don't want people they know who may visit the forum to see their post along with the answer....oh well!

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I just noticed that a third poster, Jennie, has deleted her post. But she was kind enough to post a note above resigning from the forum.


Although she says she won't be back, my money says she will...but perhaps incognito. I'm sure you'll be keeping a keen eye out for her. (LOL)

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