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Monstrous trigger


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Can someone link to the original story I want to? read it before commenting.


Apparently it doesn't seem to matter.


In a nutshell, it has been 3 1/2 years, the OM was a huge turd who shoved it in the OP's face and loved getting a reaction. The FWW has fully repented, was remorseful, and is working to reconcile.


Not that it matters much, like I said.

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Was there another thread, maybe an update, about the guy stalking them?

you are very welcome

and yest here is the list of all thread started by the OP , we are talking about 2 pages of threads


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I can't explain why but for some reason, i really think your wife (being a former WW) is a really good woman. Not that this carries a lot of significance to you but to me, I am really challenged to respect most WWs (biased I know I am male and easily identify with a BH). I could only hope that if I were in a similar position my WW would exemplify the same concern and caring as your wife. Honestly though, I don't know that I'd have the strength to stick around to give her that opportunity. I admire your strength as well!


Haven't read all of your threads but to have achieved all you have in the years is inspiring!!!!



Edited by kgcolonel
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you are very welcome

and yest here is the list of all thread started by the OP , we are talking about 2 pages of threads



Thanks! I read and respond on a phone so It makes it difficult to sort through it all. I really appreciate the help.

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Mr Mind of Shazam
AGAIN...read everything the OP has written about his situation and maybe some of his other threads regarding what the OM did to him post D-Day.


It's not as simple as some would like it to be.

Again? I did read it. My analysis stands.

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