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flirt·ed, flirt·ing, flirts



1. To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures.

2. To deal playfully, triflingly, or superficially with: flirt with danger.

3. To move abruptly or jerkily.


flirty adj.


Synonyms: flirt, dally, play, toy, trifle

These verbs mean to deal lightly, casually, or flippantly with someone or something:




n : playful behavior intended to arouse sexual interest



(thought I would look it up out of interest)

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Originally posted by st8toftheheart

My buddy says it what sluts do to get some.


Your buddy has severe mental issues regarding sex. We all have flirted at some point of our lives. If we're single and like someone we might flirt to give signals. It's so natural and cute, if you use your charm in a subtle way. I don't get what sluts have to do with it.

I don't flirt with anyone cuz I get hit on anyway by people I don't like. But I am sure I flirted in various ways with my current BF and I still do. ;)

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Originally posted by RecordProducer

Your buddy has severe mental issues regarding sex. We all have flirted at some point of our lives. If we're single and like someone we might flirt to give signals. It's so natural and cute, if you use your charm in a subtle way. I don't get what sluts have to do with it.


He may, but he doesn't seem a) care or b) have a problem with getting sex and meeting women.


His experiences have shown him that any girl that flirts with him, wants some.


What can I tell you. You may not like it, but the the truth of the matter is, his perception is based on his reality. So for him, when girls comes up to him and flirt with him, they have sex with them shortly after. He considers them sluts.


So if he encounter a women who flirts with him who doesn't sleep with him right off the bat, maybe he'll change his tune.


Of course he doesn't deny that he is a slut himself.


Myself, I do not like overly flirty girls. And yes, that opinion is based on my perception that a flirtaous girl is a bit more liberal than I would want her to be. That's an opnion based on my reality.

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So, why do you ask about flirting? For anyone whose GF/BF is jealous and maybe you're debating on what you can and can't do, I've got something to think about.


Personally I flirt with everyone. Flirting is acting friendly, charming, whitty, etc. Flirting is getting people's attention, and getting people to like you. If you're in a relationship, this kind of flirting with people other than your significant other is totally ok.


The kind of flirting you want to stay away from (this is for people in a faithful relationship) is where there might me some attraction/sexual overtures. I personally think that it really depends on your intent behind the flirting, and of course the intent behind the person who might be flirting with you. As long as you're not being sexual or emotionally intimate, you're fine.


It's not cool to accept advances from someone who might be coming on to you if you're with someone you're supposedly committed to. Likewise, it's not cool to even innocently flirt (being friendly, charming, etc.) with someone you know is coming on to you. It first of all, leads them on and second it puts your relationship at risk, opens your relationship to being vulnerable.


If you're doing any of what i just talked about (suggestive flirting) than technically you're cheating.


A friendship between members of the opposite sex must have 3 traits to be an infidelity: emotional intimacy that is greater than in the marriage, sexual tension, and secrecy. If you put the majority of your emotions in the hands of someone other than your spouse, you're still shortchanging your spouse. It's fine to be friends as long as it's not a replacement for marriage. You just have to ask: If you say or do things you wouldn't want your spouse to see or hear then you need to take a few steps back.


You know it’s an affair if the relationship is a secret and you share things or do things with the other person that you wouldn’t want your partner to know about.


Emotional affairs are often explained away as harmless, but this is how affairs often start. The person doing the cheating often doesn’t feel he is vulnerable to an affair, isn’t looking for an affair, and doesn’t particularly want to have an affair, but sharing feelings, secrets, goals, and problems with someone who understands and listens creates intimacy. This can stimulate more sharing and further deepening of feelings, which can lead to falling in love and physical intimacy.


A strong emotional connection between your spouse and a friend/colleague, with whom lots of emotional intimacies are shared, will eventually drive a wedge between spouses, whether there is a sexual relationship between them or not. And very strong emotional attachments elsewhere could be very dangerous for your relationship or marriage. But both partners should also be allowed to see friends, obviously within reasonable limits. If you don't allow your partner any outside contact, you have already signed the death warrant for your marriage. No-one likes being made to feel that they are in a prison."

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THANK YOU!....keep them coming if you want! Reply as much as you can. It helps trust me!

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wow. excellent breakdown of flirting Marleygirl. That was a cool analysis to read :)

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