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Hello all,


Have any of you used a good wing woman? Or been a wing woman? I hear they work better then a wingman since using a woman breaks down other women's barriers. Also, women get hit on all the time so they probably have a good understanding of what works and what doesn't. It's probably helpful to get a woman's insight since they know what they truly want from a man.


Hoping to get some insight on their experience with one; or as one.

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One of my closest female friends has been my wingwoman for years. She plays the game very well and I've had plenty of success thanks to her. If you have any specific questions, I'll be happy to ask her.

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Hahaha - well when I was younger, and more of my friends were single I prided myself on being an EXCELLENT "wing woman".


Now, I wasn't finding "girl friends" for these guys - but ONS.


When I was in collage, my best guy friend would come to visits- and I could always help him to get some "tail".


And later when my boyfriend and I moved in together - and to a new city - his friends come to visit and party - and if they saw a particular girl they wanted at the bar... I was pretty sure I could get them home.


I found it very easy to "wingman" as a female. First I can just go up and talk to them without being a threat at all... I am out going and funny, so I can usually get them to engage. Then I invite them to come hang out with our group (or hang with her and tell the guy to come over and chat with us).


But long story short, often they would take up my invitation to come back to our place and party some more .... Then it's up to him to make a move!


Although we all still laugh about the time I got this really cute girl to come back to our place - that my BF's friend had the hots for - only she ended up banging our roommate instead!


Like I said, I can't close the deal!

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I've went out with a wingwoman a couple times instead of hanging out with a buddy. Each time I did, I went home with the wingwoman instead of someone new.


I have had that happen too.

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In my experience wing women have proven extremely valuable. I began seeing my wife through the efforts of a very good wing woman and we would've never gotten together without her help.


Wing women are basically the modern day "Matchmaker" that traditional cultures relied on for centuries.


If a guy is a good, decent, hard working, God fearing citizen, but isn't traditionally good looking or rich or outgoing and charming and is having trouble catching the eye of a desirable woman, a wing woman can often spell the difference between having an honest shot with someone vs sitting at home playing Xbox.


One of the key concepts in human relations is that of social proof and predilection. We often accept and trust people we know nothing about if other people we know and trust, accept and trust them. It's like we tend to be more accepting of our good friend's friends than we would strangers.


And vice versa, if our good friend who we know and trust, has an issue with somebody, we tend to distrust them off the bat even though they have not given us cause to distrust them.


If a popular, attractive woman in good social standing tells her GF that you are a good guy and that she should consider a date with you, That puts you several pegs up if you are just some random guy she happened to see somewhere.


IMHO, if you are not a well above average looking guy and you don't have women approaching you on their own, or women seem elusive and dismissive when you approach them, a good wing woman will be worth her weight in platinum and can spell the difference between success and failure.

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.....and yes, there have been occasions that after seeing other women respond to me, it has trigger the competitive spirit in my wing woman(s) and at the end of the night I was in bed with the wing woman.

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.....and yes, there have been occasions that after seeing other women respond to me, it has trigger the competitive spirit in my wing woman(s) and at the end of the night I was in bed with the wing woman.


In those instances a good wing woman is worth her weight in Unobtainium LOL

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Actually sounds like maybe you could sister. :cool:


Hahaha actually I am SURE I could. Just no desire to ;)


May have manipulated that for free drinks in college (for some reason I am always popular with the ladies who like ladies).

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Hahaha actually I am SURE I could. Just no desire to ;)


May have manipulated that for free drinks in college (for some reason I am always popular with the ladies who like ladies).


That's bc most ladies like ladies. You're just popular. :D


(Also you haven't met the right one yet.)


I've winged for a few guys the way you have but a lot more women who just needed some (female) company and weren't entirely sure how to go about it. Sometimes it's a package deal. ;)

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There is another side of the coin where usually women won't be a wing woman to the man if it means taking away attention from herself.


If she has too much of an ego in that realm, she'll probably won't do her male friends any favors.


Also, she may have the mentality that if she doesn't think you're suitable enough for HER to date, even if she has other single female friends, she'll think the same for the rest of them.

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