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Why r women stupid

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What i want to know is why are women so shallow and stupid. I'm an average looking guy, and I think i am very good looking. If you saw me you wouldn't label me hot, just very good looking or cute. I can treat a woman so much better than any of these pretty boys that women meet in a club but yet none of them want to give me the time of day. I try talking to them but they quickly turn away or say no. I don't think they all have boyfriends because i go to a lot of women. Why are you women so retarded? Why can't i just have a very beautiful girl look at me and not turn away from me? Why can't they give me the time to show them who i am instead of not wanting to see me because i'm not hot? I'm not fat or skinny. I work out so i have an average body with a little muscle under it. I don't have a nasty body. I'm not a nerd or an ugly person. I'm clean cut and clean. Yet no woman wants to give me their time. Can someone tell me why i can't get a very beautiful girl? Why women have to be so stupid? Someone tell me please, thank you.

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you said that women are shallow and stupid? You are complaining that women can't get past your looks yet you want a "very beautiful woman". Why not try going for a woman who is less than perfect in the looks department? It sounds like you are being just as shallow.

What i want to know is why are women so shallow and stupid. I'm an average looking guy, and I think i am very good looking. If you saw me you wouldn't label me hot, just very good looking or cute. I can treat a woman so much better than any of these pretty boys that women meet in a club but yet none of them want to give me the time of day. I try talking to them but they quickly turn away or say no. I don't think they all have boyfriends because i go to a lot of women. Why are you women so retarded? Why can't i just have a very beautiful girl look at me and not turn away from me? Why can't they give me the time to show them who i am instead of not wanting to see me because i'm not hot? I'm not fat or skinny. I work out so i have an average body with a little muscle under it. I don't have a nasty body. I'm not a nerd or an ugly person. I'm clean cut and clean. Yet no woman wants to give me their time. Can someone tell me why i can't get a very beautiful girl? Why women have to be so stupid? Someone tell me please, thank you.
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You may find a nice lady when you change your attitude. No woman alive wants a man who feels women are shallow and stupid. They would indeed be stupid to go for a guy like that.


Your approach is obviously way way wrong. The better way to meet nice, quality ladies...once you have changed your attitude...is to make female friends, just plain old nice, sweet, platonic friends. Make as many female platonic friends as you can.


Once you start traveling in circles with your lady buddies, they will introduce you to their girlfriends who could make excellent candidates for your heart. Because you come recommended by their friends, you will automatically get in the front door and, if they don't feel you see women as stupid of whatever, you stand a good chance of finding an excellent relationship that way.


WGirl made some good points too. Pay attention. I agree with her that you may be exhibiting some of the characteristics which you impute to the female gender. Not prudent!!!


I really don't think a lot of great matches are actually made in bars. You will make a lot better time finding a great lady with the method I have described above. Most men fail in this because they are too lazy to take the time to make lady friends...but, believe me, it is a proven method.


Before I became more settled, I used to have dozens of women and dozens of dates all the time using this method and my social life was far better than the guys who went out to the bars.

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First of all, you say you're "average looking", then in the same sentence you go on to say you're now "very good looking"...it's either one or the other.


Secondly, you seem to be completely and totally preoccupied with LOOKS. Your looks, beautiful women. Did you not realize that there's so much more to a person than just their looks?


Gee, I wonder if it could be the fact that you have a major attitude here. Who the he** are you to call women "stupid" all because they're not attracted to you? Did it ever dawn on you that maybe there's something about your PERSONALITY that turns women right off? I'm willing to be that that's the problem.


What makes you think you *should* get a "very beautiful girl"? Is that all women are you to, something beautiful to look at? Is that your mission in life?...to date a beautiful woman? Don't you care about a woman's personality? Her level of intelligence (oh wait, I forgot, you think all women are stupid)? her heart? her sense of humor? her goals in life?


You come here and basically insult all women on this board, by saying we're all stupid (smooth move) and you wonder why women aren't interested? Time to give your head a shake, buddy.



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for both men and women. I dated a handful of men I met at bars and none of the relationships made it more than 3 and a half months. It is like a crap shoot. When you are in a bar or a club, you can't even really talk to each other much. You don't really know anything about the person until you go out on a date with them. A lot of women don't want to meet men in bars because of bad experiences. You are basically dealing with a total stranger. I think it is better to try and meet a woman through friends or some kind of social club.

You may find a nice lady when you change your attitude. No woman alive wants a man who feels women are shallow and stupid. They would indeed be stupid to go for a guy like that. Your approach is obviously way way wrong. The better way to meet nice, quality ladies...once you have changed your attitude...is to make female friends, just plain old nice, sweet, platonic friends. Make as many female platonic friends as you can. Once you start traveling in circles with your lady buddies, they will introduce you to their girlfriends who could make excellent candidates for your heart. Because you come recommended by their friends, you will automatically get in the front door and, if they don't feel you see women as stupid of whatever, you stand a good chance of finding an excellent relationship that way.


WGirl made some good points too. Pay attention. I agree with her that you may be exhibiting some of the characteristics which you impute to the female gender. Not prudent!!! I really don't think a lot of great matches are actually made in bars. You will make a lot better time finding a great lady with the method I have described above. Most men fail in this because they are too lazy to take the time to make lady friends...but, believe me, it is a proven method. Before I became more settled, I used to have dozens of women and dozens of dates all the time using this method and my social life was far better than the guys who went out to the bars.

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You are completely generalizing. You can't blame shallowness and stupidness on the entire female race. I'm sure there are a number of girls at those bars that you could talk to that would be more than happy to give you the time of day. Why not talk to one of them? Why do you feel you deserve the best looking girl in the bar? Especially if they've ALL established themselves to be shallow and stupid and retarded, as you described. Why do you want them? Why not talk to a girl who isn't quite as hot? Maybe she's got as much to offer as you claim that you do. You are acting the same way that you are complaining about. Think about it.


FYI, I go to a lot of bars, too, and there are many men out there who act the SAME way that you described.


The problem with meeting people in bars is that you have nothing to go on other than looks initially. Also, you might want to check your breath. It's no fun to have a guy walk up, start talking and breathe beer breath all over you. Some girls don't go to bars to meet men, but to hang out with their girlfriends. I blow off a lot of guys who walk up and intrude on a conversation I'm having with a girlfriend, or bother me when I'm dancing, or strike up a conversation and won't go away.


You don't have much to offer a woman, yet you want the hottest girl in the bar to like you. (And it sounds like you have no idea what you look like--you describe yourself as average, good looking, and not hot all in the same post. Come on, you know where you stand.) You are being every bit as shallow and stupid as the women that you hit on. Why don't you go for someone who is 'in your league'? What do you have to offer a pretty girl? Huh? Anything? Jeez, give those girls a break. At least they let you down quickly and don't drag you along or use you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You poor thing.


Unfortunately meeting in social places like pubs and the like - appearances are paramount.


Find someone through a friend - good success rating.


Perhaps not getting so annoyed may help you, labelling eg. 'stupid' will get you nowhere fast. This is because even unconscious attitudes and stuff can be picked up by others (I do it easily) but that is my training. Body language and a few spoken words is all that is needed.


Just remember your opinions and stuff do get across to others without even opening your mouth.


Most people that frequent nightclubs/pubs etc are there for shallow reasons. A role and pretense is expected it is a game actually - do you know what I mean?


Plus booze and other mood altering substances cloud a persons reality - hey even Frankenstein looks great after a few drinks apparently.


I doubt people seriously looking would be expecting to find a person for a serious r/ship would have much luck in these places.


Start thinking the other way - eg. I will find a chicky babe, she will talk to me - whatever you want to happen - if you believe in something it inevitably becomes reality after a while.


The more you believe the shallow stuff the more it will happen to you.


Ahhh "why can't I get a beautiful girl" you wrote. Lol is that shallow then? Good luck.

What i want to know is why are women so shallow and stupid. I'm an average looking guy, and I think i am very good looking. If you saw me you wouldn't label me hot, just very good looking or cute. I can treat a woman so much better than any of these pretty boys that women meet in a club but yet none of them want to give me the time of day. I try talking to them but they quickly turn away or say no. I don't think they all have boyfriends because i go to a lot of women. Why are you women so retarded? Why can't i just have a very beautiful girl look at me and not turn away from me? Why can't they give me the time to show them who i am instead of not wanting to see me because i'm not hot? I'm not fat or skinny. I work out so i have an average body with a little muscle under it. I don't have a nasty body. I'm not a nerd or an ugly person. I'm clean cut and clean. Yet no woman wants to give me their time. Can someone tell me why i can't get a very beautiful girl? Why women have to be so stupid? Someone tell me please, thank you.
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