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Help me ! some hellllp (((0_o))

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Hi Everyone


Like for months ago me and this guy meet in a chat room, since then me and him have been talking and we where having a online relationship. Me and him are from the same place so we thought we would see each other soon. And I always thought I would see him at a certain time but then ended up telling him that I cant come or that I have school. He got sick of it and told me that we should break up and start and work out things when I get back home. And I was happy with that but that was two months ago and now he doesn't even relay talk to me like he used to, so I decided ti e-mail him and tell him if he doesn't care about me anymore he should tell me and I would leave and not try to talk to him again. After he read the letter he instant MESSAGED me and told me that he still have a lot of feeling for me and that he is sorry for treating me like it. And that when I come back everything is going to be fine. I was happy with that but then it started again he did not talk to me sometimes for more than five days and maybe talk to me once a week for like 20 min. When I asked him if he misses me he says yes and keeps telling me he want me. Now I am coming back to New York in 7 days just to see him and he acts like he does not care at all. I don't know if it's maybe because i have told him so many times that i am coming back and now he just does not believe me anymore and thinks of me as a liar i don;t have any clue but i think maybe that is what it is .But anyway two weeks ago he come online and he told me he is going to switch to his cousins screen name and then he instant MESSAGED me from that name i put that name on my buddy list but did not tell him. So since those two weeks he has not been on his old screen name the one he knows i have on my buddy list and has not talked to me eather.So i decided to call him and he was home we talked for about 92 min and he told me again he misses me and cares about me and we just had fun talking that was two or three days ago and we agreed on a place where we are going to meet when i finally get home. But the thing that is bothering me is that the new name he is on he is online with it for so long like 3hours and he does not even instant message me he doesn't even know i have that name. I was just suspicious so i changed my screen name and instant messaged him and acted like another girl and i asked him, what is your name he told me my boyfriends name which is curtis so i i was thinking whoa that is him and i asked for a decryption and he described himself and then i knew it was him. I got relay mad because of that i mean why is he online whit another name and for so long and does not come on whit his old name to talk to me. I don't know why he is acting like that at all i know at this point i am not his girlfriend but i am going to be his girl again in 7days and he treat me like this i am so confused so please help me i don't know what to think or what to do. so please take some time and help me i just need some advice


Thank you for reading this all (0+0)

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Hi there,


I'm very sorry to tell you but the guy is nothing but a player. Who knows how many other names he uses to chat with girls. He is obviously playing around and you deserve better than that. If I were you, I'd drop him like a hot potato. Are you going to NY specifically to see him? If so, I'd simply not bother. You can't trust a game player like this, someone who sneaks around using different names. He's a dog. You deserve better. Much better. Your best bet would be to meet someone in real life...rather than meeting them on the computer in a chat room. A lot of guys on the internet/and in chat rooms are players.....you don't need that. Sorry he's treating you this way but I'm glad you found out the truth. Skid his butt!



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