Quiet Storm Posted August 31, 2015 Share Posted August 31, 2015 I'd tell her to back the eff off, but that's just me. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
sandylee1 Posted August 31, 2015 Share Posted August 31, 2015 Grow some tall plants /hedge on your side of the garden. Some prickly plants would be great if she gets up close. She's just a shameless hussie. They're are far too many of them around unfortunately. Perhaps you could try telling her, you had your friends little ones over the other day and they got scared when they saw her bare ass, so if she could be careful not to come close to the garage, you'd be very grateful. The skanky ho. Link to post Share on other sites
stillafool Posted August 31, 2015 Share Posted August 31, 2015 I haven't check his phone because I'm around him so much that I see he barely uses it. He isn't the texting type like I am and is rather antisocial and doesn't even talk to his own mother unless she calls him first. He's quite lazy, really. I have been the one to notice what she's doing before he does about 90% of the time. When he's working in the garage, his head is down looking at a work table and 99.9% of the time he's out there, I am too! The first few times she was plastered against our fence, I looked at him, he was working and I looked at her and back at him and I was totally confused after a while since he's ignoring her completely which seems to have pushed her to keep trying harder. I have a stereo system hooked up in the garage and have music playing quite loud so we don't hear her. I'm closer to the door than he is and with music up that loud and not hearing her approach, I'm always the first one to look out the door when I turned around and...there she is again! Unless he walks out of the garage, he can't even see her most of the time. Inside the garage is really shaded and I noticed when I put the stereo on, she appears within 10 minutes of hearing music in our garage. I don't think she realizes I'm out there with him! You should act stupid and ask her "Are you somehow trying to come on to me?" Her ("What?") "I was just wondering why you are naked where I can see you." then say, "I'm not into women I have a man that adores me." and walk away. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Clockwork Posted September 1, 2015 Share Posted September 1, 2015 Bikini bottoms is actually a whole new animal than a top. Now, if she was taking her top off in full view of your husband that's a sign too, even if there is the odd woman out there that thinks boobs are no big deal. Trust me they are to a man. But bottoms are another notch up. I mean, that's pretty personal. You probably shouldn't know with your own two eyes that your neighbour is clean shaven, or NOT clean shaven. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
deadelvis Posted September 1, 2015 Share Posted September 1, 2015 Bikini bottoms is actually a whole new animal than a top. Now, if she was taking her top off in full view of your husband that's a sign too, even if there is the odd woman out there that thinks boobs are no big deal. Trust me they are to a man. But bottoms are another notch up. I mean, that's pretty personal. You probably shouldn't know with your own two eyes that your neighbour is clean shaven, or NOT clean shaven. That got me thinking... shaven = intentional stubble = too high to know whats going on Link to post Share on other sites
Clockwork Posted September 2, 2015 Share Posted September 2, 2015 That got me thinking... shaven = intentional stubble = too high to know whats going on Oh I don't think it will matter. If she is involved with this guy he would already know what she's like underneath and she would already know his preference. Link to post Share on other sites
Lois_Griffin Posted September 2, 2015 Share Posted September 2, 2015 I'd put my phone on video the next time she comes out in the yard and does her striptease. Then I'd make her the next YouTube viral video sensation. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
baco Posted September 2, 2015 Share Posted September 2, 2015 Playing the devil's advocate, if the only thing she has done is sunbathing naked in her propriety I really don't see any major issue with that, it's just a naked woman, not a deranged lunatic trying to kill you or even making major advances on your SO or you, from what I understood you don't even have any type of contact with her, so why bother, really? I could understand your discomfort if she was masturbating or having sex, but form what you have described I think you may be overreacting a bit. Link to post Share on other sites
elaine567 Posted September 2, 2015 Share Posted September 2, 2015 Playing the devil's advocate, if the only thing she has done is sunbathing naked in her propriety I really don't see any major issue with that, it's just a naked woman, not a deranged lunatic trying to kill you or even making major advances on your SO or you, from what I understood you don't even have any type of contact with her, so why bother, really? I could understand your discomfort if she was masturbating or having sex, but form what you have described I think you may be overreacting a bit. I agree. I am just wondering if she is indeed aware that she can be seen by people in the garage, as inside it is supposedly very shaded. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Diezel Posted September 2, 2015 Share Posted September 2, 2015 If both of them were involved, I'm sure she'd be discrete and he'd have said something to her by now. Maybe you should try talking to her? But I doubt she'll care. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Tinche75 Posted September 2, 2015 Share Posted September 2, 2015 I actually had the same situation years ago. When my neighbor did this I just walked up to her, blunted pointed out to what she was doing and asked to in a not so polite way to stop. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Zagan Posted September 2, 2015 Share Posted September 2, 2015 Just pulls her bikini 'bottoms' down and stands there still? That sounds a bit nuts to me.. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there that behave this way, but they are usually recaptured fairly quickly. If your boyfriend doesn't even appear to be noticing it maybe you are obsessing about it a little too much. Your entire issue with what this woman does is simply because you feel she is doing it for the benefit of your boyfriend.. If he doesn't care or even notice, what's the problem? Link to post Share on other sites
GunslingerRoland Posted September 2, 2015 Share Posted September 2, 2015 Very weird behavior to say the least. I mean she should be allowed to sunbathe naked in her yard if she wants, but to take off her bikini and press herself against your fence is just plain odd. Even if she is trying to seduce your bf, it's a strange way to go about it. Assuming you are sure it's all her, I'd get him to talk to her. Link to post Share on other sites
Author LuckyLady13 Posted September 2, 2015 Author Share Posted September 2, 2015 I had a few minutes to respond and they slipped through my fingers. I'll try quickly. I failed to mention this woman was on a SIDEWALK pressed against my fence, about 5-6 feet behind my back (my back was to the door). There's a back yard over there with plenty of space. Yes, she's absolutely crazy. There's no doubt in my mind. And her "pickup skills" with men leaves a lot to be desired but it's her aggression toward my boyfriend (people always think he's my husband) and the insane way she's going about it. The only other space I could get within 50 miles is a 1 million square foot warehouse. It's too big! I got stuck here running a legitimate business, tripping over wires and equipment. And I have a crazy, half naked woman nearly flinging herself through the door while I'm at work??? I don't doubt her next move is masturbating by the window. I have a single guy here who I explained the situation to and he's steering well clear of this nutjob. He has no interest either and is clearly showing it. The guys are showing her they aren't interested in her whatsoever so what is next? Crashing through the window? I'm running a business here, not a nuthouse! Link to post Share on other sites
Zagan Posted September 2, 2015 Share Posted September 2, 2015 Well the next time she does it just lean over the fence and tell her to put it away .. Or just sit letting it send you as crazy as she is. Seriously, the only logical thing to do if it bothers you this much is to say something to her. Or tell your boyfriend to tell her he doesn't appreciate her getting her arse out every time he's busy in the garage. It would probably embarrass her more to have him do it than you, as if she is crazy she would delude herself into believing you're telling her to stop because it's working 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author LuckyLady13 Posted September 2, 2015 Author Share Posted September 2, 2015 You do bring up a great point, Zagan. I have a habit of controlling situations myself because it's what I do all day but because I'm used to that, I didn't realize how that would come off to someone like her. Link to post Share on other sites
jen1447 Posted September 2, 2015 Share Posted September 2, 2015 I have a single guy here who I explained the situation to and he's steering well clear of this nutjob. He has no interest either and is clearly showing it. The guys are showing her they aren't interested in her whatsoever so what is next? Crashing through the window? Seems strange the guys are totally uninterested ....is she not attractive? Link to post Share on other sites
Author LuckyLady13 Posted September 2, 2015 Author Share Posted September 2, 2015 I thought she might be from a distance but when I saw her close up, I actually jumped! Her face. She looks like the posterchild for crystal meth which is strange because in our area, meth is almost unheard of. Heroin is what's "popular" around this area. If she's doing meth, that would be really unusual. Her face looks like it went through a blender. But these guys have no interest in someone throwing herself at them like this. It's apparently a turn off. They think she's a "crack wh*re" with no job and a gold digger. Link to post Share on other sites
jen1447 Posted September 2, 2015 Share Posted September 2, 2015 Yeah, that makes sense then. In that light there was never any risk your hubs would bite. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Zagan Posted September 2, 2015 Share Posted September 2, 2015 I thought she might be from a distance but when I saw her close up, I actually jumped! Her face. She looks like the posterchild for crystal meth which is strange because in our area, meth is almost unheard of. Heroin is what's "popular" around this area. If she's doing meth, that would be really unusual. Her face looks like it went through a blender. But these guys have no interest in someone throwing herself at them like this. It's apparently a turn off. They think she's a "crack wh*re" with no job and a gold digger. We call that BOBFOC.. = Body off Baywatch Face off Crimewatch 3 Link to post Share on other sites
GunslingerRoland Posted September 2, 2015 Share Posted September 2, 2015 This has evolved much differently than I was originally picturing it. I know you don't want to strain neighbor relations, but if someone you believe to be on serious drugs, is stripping and standing on your property naked, I would be calling the police. Link to post Share on other sites
Author LuckyLady13 Posted September 11, 2015 Author Share Posted September 11, 2015 If you didn't see the original thread, long story short, my crazy drug addict neighbor was taking her bikini bottom off in front of my boyfriend and pressing herself up against my fence to "sunbathe". Had to get the cops here yesterday. They sent the street crimes unit because there were rubber bands, a cap from a syringe and an empty bag from drugs strewn across my driveway well away from the street (and gate) that appeared to be thrown from the druggies apartment window. I was terrified my dog might step on a needle. The street crimes unit was great about everything. After explaining the situation in its entirety, the cop was very sympathetic and decided to crawl all over their property pointing at them (people in that apartment) so they'd know he was there because of them. Being that nobody saw who threw this drug garbage onto my property, there couldn't be an arrest yesterday but the cop promised me he's going to pull over everyone living in that apartment to bust them and get her put away. There has been a crazy amount of cops driving by all day today. I'm confident he's going to keep his promise. One of the first things he told me is to put up a tarp on the chainlink fence if I can't afford to put up a fence to block what she's been trying to do. He was really helpful trying to tell me how to approach this to put a quick end to her strange "striptease". I explained the situation so matter of fact so I was really taken back and surprised at how sympathetic he was to my situation. I didn't look too broken up about it. This cop is just a super nice, helpful guy. I can afford a fence. It's going up this weekend. I'll be waiting to see this gold digger waste of space go to jail. Eagerly waiting. I put so much work into this house when I moved in but didn't mention it. Felt so good when the cop said how nice my house is. I didn't know anybody noticed. Lesson learned. Strange behavior is a solid indicator something is really wrong and listen to you gut when it's telling you something is off. Link to post Share on other sites
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