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I like her....

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Here is the deal. I like this girl . We have lots in common. I know she likes me for the signs she gives, cares about me, find her staring at me and smiles at me diffrently among other signs.


We were making plans of going together, I knew she had broken up not long with her ex but she agreed, unfortunately we had to cancel our date....


A few days later I found out that she went back to her ex for the 3rd time, which she always complained about. Her family hates him, nobody there likes him.


I then proceed to NC, I do a month of NC and she contacts me and I help her out with the issue at hand. I see her at the gym twice in a row and she comes to me smiling and we talk for a while. I asked her how she was doing and i get "I'm fine" that did not convince me at all. After her contacting me weird coincidences that make me remember her start to happen, not vage signs....


I saw her today with him at the beach and she smiles and waves at me, I wave back and keep walking.


I sent her a bday card with a indirect line saying that I still cared about her, I now she liked it because she is being more friendly.


I am looking at other options but I'm keeping and eye on her, I really like her.

How can I get closer and be there, we live very close and its easy to run into each other so NC is kid of hard.


Please help me



I don

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Treat her like her boyfriend treats her... that seems to work very well.

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Stay away. She likes your attention because it feeds her ego. If you see her say Hi and move on. Make her chase you if she really wants you. Be unavailable to her. She might decide to take a chance with you, or not. Don't waste your time unless she wants your time.



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Originally posted by westernxer

Treat her like her boyfriend treats her... that seems to work very well.


That I cant do, she will realize that he is no good.


This above all to thine own self be true.... I am not a jerk.


Thanks for the advice anyway,,,,

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So, you believe she'd be better of with you than with him, you're half way.


But the danger is... well, a friend of mine thought the same thing once. He chased her, found out that she liked her then-boyfriend not that much anymore anyway, and soon my friend and this girl were a happy couple and indeed, she was better off. And a year or something later, another guy walks into the story, you can guess what happens. And altough he doesn't really regret what happened, he's left thinking "what the hell did i expect anyway"...

(and i didn't make this up just to make this point! ;-> )


There's an nlp language pattern called "The Boyfriend Destroyer", and it's claimed to put you in her mind instead of him in a matter of hours, but judging from your writing, i don't think you wanna go there. ;->

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I will not walk in in her relationship, I dont think it will last, but i wont interfere. I´m always looking at another options but keeping an eye out. A realtionship where her family doenst like the guy, cannot last very long...

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Then i guess there's not much you can do but go on with your life, keeping a little bit of an eye on her and just eh... wait (or not, if you want to date other girls and see if she gets jealous).


Wish i knew something new to tell you. :-/

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