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Would you be jealous?

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Last night me, my girlfriend, one of her girlfriends and a couple of my mates went out to a nightclub to have a few drinks. We ended up all getting pretty drunk in the end and we all shared a cab home.


My girlfriend was wearing a low cut top and has perky c cup breasts, somehow as she got into the cab one of her boobs Fell out of her top.


I was sitting in the front and she was sitting in the back so I was unaware what had happen... I heard a few whispers and giggles until her girlfriend shouted out " your boob is hanging out" . I turned around to see my guy mates staring at her boob. It took her a few seconds to notice and then she screeched and put it back in.


At the time I was drunk so I just laughed it off but now that I am sober I am jealous that my mates got to see her exposed. She is attractive and in general it does not bother me when guys check her out but I am jealous and slightly annoyed that a few guys got to see her.


I am not sure what to do, how would you react and deal with this if it happened to your girl? If girls could answer this for me aswell I would greatly appreciate it.



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C'mon. Its just a small accident. Your gf didnt do it on purpose and your friends looking at your gf's boobs are such a natural reaction because another shouted that ur gf's boob was hanging out.


Its such a tiny little thing. Let it go! Be a man!

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I suppose I am just jealous that they got to see what's mine.


I found out after from her girl friend that it came out as she leaned into getting in the cab. She said my girlfriend was oblivious to it but her whole boob was on display and she only told her that it was showing after all the guys had noticed it.


So I suppose I'm extra jealous that it wasn't out for only a second or two but out for a good 30seconds until she fixed it so they would of got a good look.


I only caught the end of it but it's weird how I can laugh it off when I'm drunk but it bother me when I'm sober..


Any other feeback would be very helpful.

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If he was genuinely concerned for my embarrassment that would be ok, but honestly I'd be pretty pissed if my BF was upset about this...especially on the grounds that "they got to see what's mine."


I mean, maybe there's a way to sell that so it's not entirely proprietary but....ugh. Would you feel the same way about a breast exam?


It was an accident. Your mates have seen boobs before. I'm sure they'll get over it.

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I am not sure what to do, how would you react and deal with this if it happened to your girl? If girls could answer this for me aswell I would greatly appreciate it.


Firstly, thank you for taking a cab.


Second, this is a case of what goes on in the cab stays in the cab. It was accidental, you were all apparently feeling pretty good from the drink and, yeah, when a woman exposes her breasts, men look.


When I used to go to the river (Colorado River) with my exW, it was like a free breast show up and down the river. A lot of the wives, yup, exW included, would put on a free show. Yup, all the men were looking, not only at their own spouses but those of the other guys. Normal stuff.


If you love each other and are bonded to each other, this stuff is passing and it's fun, or, at minimum, accidental. Great stories to tell the grandkids at an appropriate age.

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I suppose I am just jealous that they got to see what's mine.


They're not yours, and neither is she. You may be together but she's just as autonomous as you are.


That may be at he heart of your discomfort here. You're obviously irrationally jealous over sth very simple and very silly, so I think the solution here is for you to grow up a bit and accept some adult realities. People don't 'own the rights' to other ppl, ever. The only claim you can make is to fidelity (assuming you're in a committed relationship), and being as she didn't willfully violate that without your permission, and being as guys are generally no more capable of not looking at a boob in the wild than there are stopping their own heartbeat, no one was actually injured here. Grow a pair and be a man and stop acting like you were.

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I have not made her feel bad about it or get angry about it at all... I'm just slightly jealous.


Im sure I will get over it... Maybe I felt a little jealous about it because when reflecting on it my mates were joking around with her about it ( in a non rude way but a playful drunk way) example: saying things like " your about to fall out again, *jokes*" when she moved or leaned forward, and I clearly saw one of them looking down her cleavage when we got out the cab.


She Once had a little slip in front of random guys we did not no but it did not bother me because we won't see them again.


Maybe I'm slightly annoyed at her girl friend for not telling her boob was out and instead let her sit there with it hanging out until everyone saw than told her... She thought it was quite comical..


Would you get annoyed if your friend did not tell you right away if you were out?

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I suppose I am just jealous that they got to see what's mine....


"Possession is 9/10ths of the Law".


Given that they are attached to her, but you are merely connected, bear in mind that it's only 'yours' when she says so.


And that's the Law.


You cannot possess that which is not yours to rightly possess.

You may covet it, but that's still not ownership...

And bear in mind that there is nothing on this planet, that is NOT temporary.

And that includes perkiness....




(You might have gathered by now that we ladies take umbrage at being referred to as items partly or entirely owned or possessed by menfolk. :p )

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Would you get annoyed if your friend did not tell you right away if you were out?


Sober? Possibly.... It depends.....


Tipsy/drunk? It was probably quite fast under the circumstances.... everything is slightly slo-mo when one over the eight....

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I have worded that wrong... Of course I don't own her or any part of her.


So you would be ok with being totally unaware with your boob hanging out and no one letting you no about it?

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I have worded that wrong... Of course I don't own her or any part of her.

A Psychologist may have a different opinion.... a small part of you may subconsciously believe that to be the case.... Just something for you to ponder, because it's just possible (and I'm not criticising you, just stimulating thinking on your part, here) that actually, there is an element of 'possessiveness' in your attitude....? Think about it.....?


So you would be ok with being totally unaware with your boob hanging out and no one letting you no about it?

It has, they didn't, I put it back, apologised, and let the matter drop.

We were all sober at the time, too.


Jeesh... I'm astonished at just how much importance, significance and influence a bag of fat and glands with a suction point holds over people....

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I have worded that wrong... Of course I don't own her or any part of her.


So you would be ok with being totally unaware with your boob hanging out and no one letting you no about it?


Now you're changing your umbrage. First it was her breast on display now it's how and when she was informed? You're just bound and determined to be pi$$ed, huh?


It's a breast. It's hers. It wasn't as if she was raped. She didn't cheat on you. Accidents happen. Alcohol increases the chance of oops types things occurring. Like I dunno, stumbling or walking with less grace than normal. Everyone was drunk, it happened.


If I was dating a woman and this happened to her my only two concerns would be how she felt, and if my friends brought it up to her discomfort after the fact (if they did I'd get new friends). I'd take my concern and cue from her feelings about it all. She'd be my only concern, and I'd be sure to hug and kiss her lots, to remind her how special she was to me, and how nothing about her was shameful or less that beautiful. I'd comfort her if she needed that. I'd do what she needed to feel better IF she felt badly. If this happened to me and my breast I'd be more inclined to blush a little, laugh it off, and it wouldn't bother me one whit. I don't consider my own breasts anything but mine and hot and no more worthy of being hidden away than I do my belly button. Some women are more shy. So I'd just go with whatever my lovely lady needed.


As for how fast she was told? I'd attribute that to drunk time and in no way malicious.

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They're not yours, and neither is she. You may be together but she's just as autonomous as you are.


Took the words out of my mouth.


I read that part and thought to myself, "hm, I thought they were hers."


OP, this sounds like an embarrassing accident. Get over it.

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I'm not pissed at all...just jealous if anything... Which I'm sure I will get over, I was just asking how others would deal with it or go about it...


I did make sure she was ok...she was a little embarrassed but like me laughed it off at the time..


I encourage her her to dress whatever way she likes... I would rather her feel comfortable and show her assets off even if there is the odd mishap, than cover up and not feel confident in herself. I'm happy as long as she is.


I'm a guy and like a majority of guys we love boobs.. Don't ask why we just do haha.


Again... I just wanted to no how or would people deal with this or a similar situation... It may make me feel better about it getting a different perspective from someone else.

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Maybe the OP would like an understanding of just how quotidian a bared breast can be?


I once accidentally flashed a professor of mine when, bent over some paper corrections together, my shirt collar fell down, exposing both breasts in the most unflattering way.


Another time I was body surfing in Hawaii with my husband, and I baled, hard, into a wave that took half of my swimsuit with it. I looked up after choking on water and sand, and discovered a random dad in cargo shorts had filmed both my tumble, and my breasts.


Then there was the time I though a short flowy skirt was a good idea. It was a windy day. I was wearing a thong. Like three people in my neighborhood knew it by the time I got home to change.


Trendy women's clothing is designed to be strategically revealing. Only problem is that unless you're really "locked and loaded" mishaps occur.


Edit to add: how to deal with this problem? <shrugs> just giggle at it, help your girlfriend, and think of it as "these things happen." It's so common. They're just boobs.

Edited by nescafe1982
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Would you get annoyed if your friend did not tell you right away if you were out?

No, not at all. But I'm kinda pro-nudity and I don't represent all women, so I'm sure opinions vary.


So you would be ok with being totally unaware with your boob hanging out and no one letting you no about it?

I'm not sure how this - questions about your GF's thinking on the matter - translates into your own jealousy. Is it that you're actually concerned that she wasn't concerned?

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thank you for sharing.


It sounds like these things can happen quite often to all girls so that makes it more understanding.


I don't think I was jealous that she fell out... More of who saw and how much.


Because they are my guy friends I no how there minds think when they see an attractive girl, let alone see more than expected.


Like I said she is quite perky so it does not take much for a nipple to peep out when she leans forward.. And then it corrects itself when she stands back up right, or if she leans over and her thong is accidentally showing


So it does not bother me when small things like that happen, probably more of who saw...

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Maybe 'jealous' is not the word you're looking for then.

Maybe 'resentful'...?

Maybe 'offended' (by their reaction, lack of respect)...?


Consider that everyone had had something to drink. When people are tipsy/sloshed/tiddly/under the influence, inhibitions are lowered, and things which ordinarily may be socially embarrassing, will seem like a giggle and cause for mirth and merriment....


The time to get offended and resentful is if one of your (male) friends brings up your GF's mishap in a rude, derogatory or insulting manner.

If one of them should make a lascivious, inappropriate and tasteless remark, THEN - you'll know who your friends are.

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thank you for sharing.


It sounds like these things can happen quite often to all girls so that makes it more understanding.


I don't think I was jealous that she fell out... More of who saw and how much.


Because they are my guy friends I no how there minds think when they see an attractive girl, let alone see more than expected.


Like I said she is quite perky so it does not take much for a nipple to peep out when she leans forward.. And then it corrects itself when she stands back up right, or if she leans over and her thong is accidentally showing


So it does not bother me when small things like that happen, probably more of who saw...




So you're jealous your buddies saw your girlfriends boob for 30 seconds because of a wardrobe malfunction. Do you think they're suddenly going to start hitting on her more now because they saw what's under the shirt and it made them all realize how hot she is and they wanna steal her away now? Cmon that's not happening so be logical.


Are you jealous that they'll talk when you're not around "hey you know we saw ___ boobs last week on our way home in the cab... Man they were so perky and nice, I wish I took a picture"..... Again, cmon.


If anything you should pat yourself on the back for having a hot gf. At the end of the day she only takes her clothes off for you, so let it go.


It's not her friends fault either for not telling her. Her friend told her as soon as she noticed that your gf was unaware. It's just a boob man, relax.

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Most of my partner's friends have seen me naked, and I've seen them too.

We're all nudists. It's actually wierd when a fully dressed person turns up in our little world.:D

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I was sitting in the front and she was sitting in the back so I was unaware what had happen... I heard a few whispers and giggles until her girlfriend shouted out " your boob is hanging out".
Why were you not sitting in the back of the crowded cab with your girlfriend? Especially in light of everyone being drunk?
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If this sort of thing bothers you, then you probably shouldn't date women who wear outfits that are accidents waiting to happen. My GF has huge breasts, but since she doesn't go out of her way to wear revealing shirts, her boobs have never once popped out while we were hanging out.

Your GF probably doesn't wear revealing shirts exactly because she knows her breasts may behave unpredictably. That doesn't make her better than anyone else, it's just a practicality. I'm sure if she could get away with it, she would.


I'm kinda on the fence here. While I realize that the occasional accident does happen, like a sudden gust of wind making a skirt fly up, some women do wear outfits that are going to be more prone to this sort of thing. I have found that I'm usually not compatible with that type of girl.


..."That type of girl..."? :confused:

Care to be more 'specific'...?




They were all out for the evening - this girl isn't going to wear a sweater and a full jacket if she's making an effort to look the part for the evening. I'm sure she never put on clothes with the expressed forethought of "well, my breasts could pop out of this tonight, but who cares? I'm that type of girl!"


What 'type of girl' do you mean, exactly?


That's just rude, in my opinion, and you're making assumptions and insinuations on his GF's moral character based on a slip of the dress...?



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