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Would you be jealous?

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thank you for sharing.


It sounds like these things can happen quite often to all girls so that makes it more understanding.


I don't think I was jealous that she fell out... More of who saw and how much.


Because they are my guy friends I no how there minds think when they see an attractive girl, let alone see more than expected.


Like I said she is quite perky so it does not take much for a nipple to peep out when she leans forward.. And then it corrects itself when she stands back up right, or if she leans over and her thong is accidentally showing


So it does not bother me when small things like that happen, probably more of who saw...


First I just need to point out these things dont happen that often to all girls.


Now I personally would not like if my gf got drunk and got a bit naked or something in public. That would make her look incredibly stupid. But you dont have a problem with that, so I dont think you should be jealous of who saw her boobs.


It's not your mates fault that your gf's boobs came out. And everybody would look, human nature. If you saw a man running naked on street, you would look too

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They were all out for the evening - this girl isn't going to wear a sweater and a full jacket if she's making an effort to look the part for the evening. I'm sure she never put on clothes with the expressed forethought of "well, my breasts could pop out of this tonight, but who cares? I'm that type of girl!"


What 'type of girl' do you mean, exactly?


That's just rude, in my opinion, and you're making assumptions and insinuations on his GF's moral character based on a slip of the dress...?




This is not really relevant to OP's question but I just want to say this.


I dont think you have to wear a sweater if you dont want your boobs out-there are many sexy clothes that aren't revealing.

And if you are going to wear something revealing, or isn't very supportive of your boobs (or doesnt have bra inside or seomthing) my suggestion would be don't get drunk and keep your act together.

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I suppose I am just jealous that they got to see what's mine .



Jealousy and possession are 2 sides to the same coin. She's not your property and doesn't belong to you.


Can you trust your friends around your girlfriend? If yes then that's not a problem. Personally I wouldn't stare at a girls breast if she accidentally came out, as its a bit uncool to do so and could upset her.

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My GF doesn't wear any revealing shirts because she is not out to get the attention that generally comes with wearing revealing shirts.

True 'dat.


Girls seem to think wearing next to nothing at clubs is the standard. Well, when you have that mentality, is it really that much of a surprise when you're falling out of your skimpy clothes when you get drunk - and you're so freakin' oblivious that someone ELSE has to tell you it's hanging out?


She sounds very attractive.

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Good god, it's not like she was hanging out of the cab window flashin her titties for everyone to see. Mountain /mole hill.

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...that it was showing after all the guys had noticed it.


ALL the guys? How many passengers can you fit into the back of a cab? There are already two girls in the back. Most cabs can only seat three adults in the back, so maybe you squeeze another guy in, that's only two guys.


It's really just one guy you have a problem with, isn't it? And this is not the first time you caught him checking out your girlfriend?

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They're not yours, and neither is she. You may be together but she's just as autonomous as you are.


That may be at he heart of your discomfort here. You're obviously irrationally jealous over sth very simple and very silly, so I think the solution here is for you to grow up a bit and accept some adult realities. People don't 'own the rights' to other ppl, ever. The only claim you can make is to fidelity (assuming you're in a committed relationship), and being as she didn't willfully violate that without your permission, and being as guys are generally no more capable of not looking at a boob in the wild than there are stopping their own heartbeat, no one was actually injured here. Grow a pair and be a man and stop acting like you were.


i can sense deep seated anguish from this post.


when did he say, she is his? lol! harsh much!

lol what got into you?

grow a pair be a man .. ouch! so not being jealous makes you a man. lol!


being jealousy is normal in any relationship! .

a little sense of ownership is what makes it special that's just part of people falling in love.

what make there love special.

to much polyamory? not enough monogamy

Edited by m.snow
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I have worded that wrong... Of course I don't own her or any part of her.


So you would be ok with being totally unaware with your boob hanging out and no one letting you no about it?


non sequitur--- someone did let her know about it.


Generally speaking, if you all were so drunk that you needed a cab, then her boob falling out was not some malicious act she engaged in to mess with your head 2 days later. You're looking for something to start a fight with her and that's not cool.


Next time, I'd suggest getting your own cab or sitting next to your girl when she gets into a cab.

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Seems like kinda a small thing to be jealous about. My wife's boobs have fallen out at the beach before. We just laughed about it.


They're just boobs.

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Get over it dude. At the end of the day she's yours. And a grown woman. Even lesbians may see her naked one day. Would that be a problem?

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We were in a van cab so more seats in the back...


I'm not annoyed at my gf at all it wasn't like it was on purpose I understand that accidents can happen.


Her girl friend has told me what happened.


My gf leaned into the car and her right nipple poked out... When she put her seat belt on it pulled her top and strapless bra down further to expose her whole right boob... Her friend saw it but did not say anything because she thought my gf would notice because her whole boob was out.


She did not, the guys noticed, and they all started to giggle about it. They tried to give her hints about it saying things like " its cold, you look a bit nippy" but she was to drunk to catch on.


Finally her friend blurted it out that she was on show.


Maybe I was jealous after because it could of been avoided from the start.?


Using myself as an example...



If I saw my mates gf boob had fallen out I would ( I will be honest, and this has happen) look and then let her no about it, not let her just sit with it out for all to see.


I suppose all scenarios are different I guess...

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We were in a van cab so more seats in the back...


I'm not annoyed at my gf at all it wasn't like it was on purpose I understand that accidents can happen.


Her girl friend has told me what happened.


My gf leaned into the car and her right nipple poked out... When she put her seat belt on it pulled her top and strapless bra down further to expose her whole right boob... Her friend saw it but did not say anything because she thought my gf would notice because her whole boob was out.


She did not, the guys noticed, and they all started to giggle about it. They tried to give her hints about it saying things like " its cold, you look a bit nippy" but she was to drunk to catch on.


Finally her friend blurted it out that she was on show.


Maybe I was jealous after because it could of been avoided from the start.?


Using myself as an example...



If I saw my mates gf boob had fallen out I would ( I will be honest, and this has happen) look and then let her no about it, not let her just sit with it out for all to see.


I suppose all scenarios are different I guess...

You are straight and sober right now of course you are going to say you would tell them and not stare. BUT people act very differently when in a group. Mix that with alcohol and there you have it. Boys will be boys.

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They tried to give her hints about it saying things like " its cold, you look a bit nippy" but she was to drunk to catch on.


I'd be more concerned that she was so drunk that she didn't catch on.


It's really time to grow up. A good time does not have to be about drinking to the point of being drunk. Bad things can happen to people when they drink like that, and it's just not healthy.


Maybe I was jealous after because it could of been avoided from the start.?


Maybe it could have been avoided if you used some restraint when drinking.

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We were in a van cab so more seats in the back...


I'm not annoyed at my gf at all it wasn't like it was on purpose I understand that accidents can happen.


Her girl friend has told me what happened.


My gf leaned into the car and her right nipple poked out... When she put her seat belt on it pulled her top and strapless bra down further to expose her whole right boob... Her friend saw it but did not say anything because she thought my gf would notice because her whole boob was out.


She did not, the guys noticed, and they all started to giggle about it. They tried to give her hints about it saying things like " its cold, you look a bit nippy" but she was to drunk to catch on.


Finally her friend blurted it out that she was on show.


Maybe I was jealous after because it could of been avoided from the start.?


Using myself as an example...



If I saw my mates gf boob had fallen out I would ( I will be honest, and this has happen) look and then let her no about it, not let her just sit with it out for all to see.


I suppose all scenarios are different I guess...




I am as much a Cretin as the next guy who will never admit it, but that being said, you gotta let this go. This is really a minor infraction in the world or relationships. If she was ramming her Orbs in your friends faces and giggling while inviting them to Tune in Tokyo,you would have cause for concern. Since nothing like that occurred I would just move on to the next thing you can obsess over, of which there will be plenty at the rate you are going.

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It's alright man. It happens. Heck, people were drunk, you might be surprised that some of the guys may not even remember it. Honestly.



I've been there, most of us have. When I was dating my wife in the beginning she was young and I was at a party of a bunch of old high school buddies with whom party hard even in their 30s and I have drifted apart from.



These guys are perverts, I should have warned my wife, but no respect to women at all. Anyway, it is common for girls at these parties to flash the guys. My wife didn't want to do it, but I guess sort of wanted to "fit in" and just quickly lifted her bra and shirt exposing just one breast. Later on I was a little mad at her, and I told her to ignore those guys and such. She got it. It never happened again. Only one of the guys saw it. He was blind drunk. We talked about it and it was over.



They saw a breast pop up, they didn't see her standing up fully naked. Talk to her about it, tell her to be more careful and just move on.

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Hey, think about it. Your wife has gone to the doctor right? She's had a breast exam. Or a pap smear. She's had her breasts caressed by a doctor before hasn't she? Nipples and all. This is to save her life of course from cancer, but all women get this. Her vagina has been penetrated. Unless she has a lady doctor, another man has done this to her. Wait until she has kids. When you are pushing out a baby your modesty has to go out the window.



My wife and I were once at the beach alone, and let's just say she underestimated whether or not her hair would be visible underneath her bottoms. It was, but only if you were looking for it. We didn't know anyone there, no big deal and I'm not even sure it was that noticeable.

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