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me get this off of my chest

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So I have this problem that just happened recently and I'd really appreciate it if I can get some advice on what to do.


I've been with my bf for a year and we don't really see each other much since we live in different cities but we do stay in contact daily by social media. Let's just say that he's the type of guy that's short tempered and doesn't really show me much love or care and I guess that's just the way he is... But once I got really mad of him for the way he used to ignore my texts so I made plans with his friend and went out with him for a bit (not on a date) we only saw each other for like 10 minutes and then I left. I didn't say a word to him about it after that since he is the type of person who gets jealous and furious about me just uttering a single word to a guy so to him what I did is big and would definitely count it as cheating.


So let's just say that his friend actually told him about it and we ended up fighting and he blocked me all over social media. I begged him to forgive me and give me just one last chance and with a lot and a lot of tries he actually did forgive me. We were going great and he did change and treated me a lot better though he did tell me when he forgave me that if I ever did anything like that again he'd delete me and block me without saying a word to me. So 2 days ago when I was out I checked my messenger just to see if he said anything I found myself deleted and blocked! I literally panicked and I still am. I wrote him a message asking him why? And I swear I didn't do a thing then he's like leave me the **** alone so I did.


Now he's not talking to me anymore and he's posting statuses like 'I always give people chances but they never deserve it' and I swear I was loyal as **** ! I still don't know what did I do! And he is the type of guy who won't believe me for whatever I have to say and if I try and talk to him about it now he's gonna block me or ignore me and give me a bad reputation in front of all his guy friends and literally everyone !


I really want to know what does he think I did so bad! I still love him so much I do! I don't know why he's acting like this though I am sure he loves me too but he has anger problems and idk what my next step will be! I don't want him to have a wrong idea about me I really don't want to lose this relationship just because he thinks I did something I didn't do .. I don't want anyone to hate me or feel anger towards me and feel like I betrayed him though I didn't!


Please help! I don't know how to talk to him.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Your 'relationship' is conducted mainly by social media for god's sakes.


That's hardly a real relationship. And when your 'relationship' status can be gauged by whether you're being blocked on Instagram and Facebook, then it's just a childish online waste of your time.


The whole thing sounds like Junior High.


Your 'boyfriend' has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old. Why don't you find someone who actually interacts with you on a human level, and not through Twitter?

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First off you did something behind his back. Even tho it was harmless, it was inappropriate and crossed relationship boundaries. It doesn't matter if it was his friend, it's still not right. And it doesn't matter if you are LDR, or whatever, you both DO have expectations with each other about what is and is not acceptable when dealing with the opposite sex.


He either was told by said friend later that more went so you would get dumped and he can have a chance with you, or your BF actually set you up to see if you would take the bait, sat on it for a bit and got real mad about it.


Either way, this isn't working out and you are better off dating someone locally that is not so immature about relationships.

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LDR's rarely work unless there is a boatload of trust. By tempting fate with your initial shenanigans you tossed opened a door that common sense would dictate you try to keep locked in any relationship. And that is called playing games.


Looks like your little game blew right up in your face.


Please learn a thing or two from this. Firstly, that any LDR conducted over social media almost exclusively is fantasy at best.


Also that when you crave for attention from a person whom you consider as a significant other, be sure that it's good attention, and not negative attention. You can only blame yourself for the consequences of your actions. Whatever your true motive was, it would be wise to think ahead a little next time.

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I don't think either of you is ready for a mature relationship, let alone one that is long-distance. He shouldn't be ignoring your texts, and you shouldn't be hanging out with his friends behind his back. Even if you didn't have any bad intentions, it indeed looks suspicious on your part.


You say he's hot-tempered and doesn't show you much love anyway. So what are you hanging on for? You're obviously not happy.

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