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Women are not stupid, Me again.

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First i will apologize because everything i wrote wasn't really true. I just want some help and i wanted to have a lot of people input on it and i hope the same people are going to input on it again. Here is the truth. I do have problems meeting girls. I'm a college student. I am good looking but i'm not the best. I'm cute, you'll like the way i look. I try talking to some of the girls in my classes but they don't seem interested. I don't pick the model type. I pick the pretty, cute ones but everyones perception of beauty is different so don't jump down my throat about that. I look at their faces and see if they look like they would be nice to me. You know actually enjoy the fact of me talking to them, and my assumptions lead to some entirely false conclusion. I just want some kind of help in knowing what to say and just to help me out. I asked my friens that are girls and they say just sit there and ask them the questions and listen. It will show that you are interested and stuff. So far it doesn't work. So if all those people out there that yelled at me could just help me out and tell me what can help. This is what i actually need. Women are not stupid. I just used it to have your attention.

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I really don't think it has nearly as much to do with your style as the fact that these ladies may be picking up on some desperation. That's not at all sexy and women are incredible at knowing when a guy is really after them in a big way. Women want a challenge as much as men.


You can get just about any lady you want by being nice but don't go overboard. If you're at a party, say hello to a female...talk for a minute or two...then move on like you could care less. I promise you, you will have 100 points more with her than all the other guys dribbling up her skirt.


Same goes anywhere else. Just don't seem so eager. Just for practice, go out sometime and just don't ask any lady for her phone nubmer, just talk to any of them you want to for two or three minutes...then move on. I promise you the next time you see them out they will go wild over you.


Get over this physical thing. Believe it or not, women are not nearly as concerned about looks as guys seem to be. Women actually prefer a guy with intelligence, personality and self confidence over looks. Matter of fact, a lot of very pretty ladies pass up the guys with the looks because they see them as trouble or superficial. You are actually at a great advantage if you'll just use good judgement and skill in your quest and STOP BEING DESPERATE.


Take it from one who knows, you can have almost any available woman you want...if you just treat her like you can be fine with her or without her. It just drives them nuts...especially the ones who are used to having their butts kissed.


P.S. At your last post, I gave you the greatest method in the world for meeting the most wonderful ladies. Obviously, you are one of those who just doesn't want to put in the energy to make female friends. That's totally fine...but don't say I didn't give you the secret.

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