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I do not want my ex back.


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Sounds obvious to some of you, right? Well, it's kind of moot anyway, b/c I know she doesn't want me back, either. Great! We can both move on.


I think once you reach this stage, knowing HOW MUCH damage has been done between the two of you; that it clearly wasn't the right fit and that you weren't treated well... the rest is gravy, folks.


I don't expect her to ever contact me again, and that is perfectly fine. She has done me the favor of leaving me alone, and my life is getting back to normal with every passing day. I don't want her back, nor do I think such a thing would ever be possible. In the meantime, life is out there waiting.


Anyone else feel they have reached this stage? I swear I'm not bragging, but it does feel f*cking good to be moving on.

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I recently been dumped :( .. im hoping i can be at your stage sometime soon my friend. my gf dumped me outta nowhere said she didnt love me anymore. left me alone and lost. so im trying to cope with it every passing day, hoping that i can move on soon and stop thinking bout her. so i hope i can feel the way your feeling soon :)

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