Kate1988 Posted September 14, 2015 Share Posted September 14, 2015 Hi there, I need some advice I broke up with my boyfriend late 2014 as I was just so over his behaviour. He would sometimes go out clubbing and not come home, he would disappear for 2x days when working away and then there was just the general disrespectful behaviour and I had caught him out on dating sites (which he would not admit too, he stated someone must have set him up, though they wouldn't have because surely U would tell ur partner if these logins came up on ur email). We had a house together & we are still trying to get things finalised but I feel almost a year down the track I still feel the same way; I'm not anywhere near over the relationship or moving on as as we have the house together we have had to maintain contact. When I moved out late last year to rent on my own, he moved 3x girls into the house without my approval (still in mine & his name) then I find out he'd been sleeping with 1x of the girls all of which he lied about for months as he was still coming around to my house to confess he missed me & sleeping with me occasionally. He now has one of the other girls left in the house which he claims there is nothing going on but for me there probably is because he lies about everything and they did a day trip together not that long ago and I pretty sure he's just lying to me. He recently slept with me which was bad judgement on my part & confessed he can't wait to get the house finalised and then he states we will see what happens once it's finalised ( as if to suggest a chance of getting back together after everything). He's told his parents I have tried to screw ho moved with the house due to a misunderstanding but I'm not even going for half so I'm not happy about him misinforming them. The whole situation is rubbish and I truly think he wants to just keep me as an option if he figures out he can't do better than me then he can walk back into my life after however long however I think he has high hopes of meeting someone else better than me. I have these horrible feelings like I've put up with so much rubbish and why should someone else reap the rewards after ive had years of hard work with him. Then sometimes I worry if I made the right decision to leave even though he wasn't treating me very well and I honestly think he wanted to be single all along hence the sites and behaviour so when I said I was done he didn't try make me stay he just let me go and 2 days after we broke up he was sleeping with another girl. Im pretty sure he was def cheating (had that gut feeling too)but won't admit as he was using drugs too which he didn't admit too until after the relationship. still feel devastated about the events that have taken place and wonder if I did the right thing. Trying really hard to improve how I feel but I'm just down about it all & sometimes think did i overreact and what if I don't meet anyone else that appeals to me like him, everything is just so hard. Link to post Share on other sites
CT98 Posted September 14, 2015 Share Posted September 14, 2015 Don't want to come across as rude, but WAKE UP! This man has no respect for you, and he never will. You are so much better off without him. There are men out there who will respect you and treat you how you should be treated. Just believe it; because it's true. You have done the right thing in dumping him. I will never understand why people would settle for anything less than they deserve. Please forget about him. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Kate1988 Posted September 14, 2015 Author Share Posted September 14, 2015 Thanks CT 98, your so right I do need to wake up I just find it hard sometimes especially when I catch up with him over the house he try's to make out like his actions were because of my fault in some way or another which is silly as you can't tie someone down to stay out all night and not come home ( I always offered him a lift at whatever time so it's not like I was that bad of a girlfriend) I even warned him the night he was out that if he doesn't come home again it shows no respect & I will leave him which I did do. At the end of the day he didn't have any respect and I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks his behaviour was out of line enough to leave him. I just hope I look back on this & don't regret it if u know what I mean ? Link to post Share on other sites
nic05 Posted September 14, 2015 Share Posted September 14, 2015 If he's trying to turn it back on you, it sounds like there could be a manipulative streak there. Or at least he can't fess up to his behaviour, and that's just childish. You deserve better. I hope for your sake the house moves quickly and you can move on with your life. But as always, easier said than done !! Link to post Share on other sites
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