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How elusive is emotional abuse?


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I've just read an article about the Stockholm syndrome, on victims who get emotionally attached by their abusers and who continue to stay in the defective, abusive relationship.


My question is about emotional abuse. What's considered emotional abuse and what not? What form does it take? How can you recognise it?





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Go to http://www.google.com


Type in "emotional abuse" (without the quotes)


There is a site called "Symptoms of Emotional Abuse" (I forget the exact address) that will pop up as one of the first couple search results. It is very informative regarding the things to look for, and touches on what you have mentioned about victims who become attached to their abusers, only in the context of how abusers brainwash their victims to make them think it is all ok.


Craig is correct, btw. While most think of only men as emotional abusers, there are definately female abusers as well. I don't think it is quite as common, but they definately do exist.

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