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Men - Is this TRUE??

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I know it sounds tacky,but


Over and over I have read that the more a man has sex with a woman,the deeper their feelings grow for her?That a man can't be certain he's in love with a woman until they have sex? Is that true??

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I heard kind of the opposite - that some men fall outta love as soon as they sleep with her... they dont expect it themselves but they just do...


what dya say guys?

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Over and over I have read that the more a man has sex with a woman,the deeper their feelings grow for her?


this isn't always the case with everybody. a man can have sex with same woman over and over and if the emotional attachment is not there, it never will be. some people can detach themselves for some reason. some men don't have respect for women and will just use them for sex. this is also the case for some women.




for many people out there, the more times you have sex with the same person, the more a bond between the two grows. for example, a guy can meet a girl, have sex with her and not be in love with her. but the more he sees her and the more he has sex with her, the stronger his feelings grow. he can fall in love with her. again, the same thing applies to women.


i actually know a lot of people who have started out having sex together and a deep love has formed between the two. for example, my ex and i weren't in love with each other when we started sleeping together. but over time, what formed was a very deep love between us.


That a man can't be certain he's in love with a woman until they have sex? Is that true??


a man can be certain he's not in love with a woman and still have sex with her. however, some people prefer to wait until they have fallen in love with somebody before they have sex with them.




some people can THINK they are in love with someone after having sex with a person. sex for many tends to create a big attachment to the other person.


however, i wouldn't suggest having sex with a guy in the hope that he will fall in love with you. if you want to have sex with a guy, only do it if it feels right for you and you know you will be able to handle it if he doesn't fall in love with you. or only have sex with a guy if you know he has fallen in love with you.


i hope i have made some sense here tess. there's not really a straightforward, simple answer to this question because everyone thinks and feels so differently.

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This is absolutely NOT true. Where are you reading this trash???


While many women's feelings for a particular male tend to intensify with increased sex with that man, men seem to separate the emotional part from the sex act itself. Of course, there are exceptions but researchers have found generally that what I have described above is the case.


You are not getting your reading materials from a reliable source. I would sue if I were you.

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