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guys with nice cars get girls

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hey was in richmond,bc today i live in vancouver ricmond has many asians-esp chinese and one thing i found out is that every guy who drives a honda prelude a new one or better-bmw, rsx.... well new new cars all had a pretty girl on the passenger side. the guys who drove the 7 yrs or older cars had no girl beside him. ok are women really money about a guys car, and really material these days. do they judge a guy if he has a car or not b/c i don;lt have a car. any guys here have a gf a decent looking one and don;t have a car or have a crappy one. thats what i really noticed these days. where do u find a gf who isn't material or money these days. i don;t have a car and i'm chinese cbc while all these other chinese guys have cars and nice ones- how can i be a advantage towards em/ why would a girl want me instead of mr/ bmw or mr new car. is this just an asian thing.

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joel, you have got to stop the self hating dude. It's getting you NOWHERE. As a woman, you're pushing me away because of the attitude and I don't even know you. Find a way to love yourself and the women will be falling all over themselves to be yours.

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Please disregard my use of language.

But why the **** does it matter whether or not other fellows drive cars, why should it concern you? Why should you allow that thought of mind pass judgement or foresee over your course of action with your dating life? Just think about it.


No, it is not an asian thing. simply put, it's not hard to conceive that other races including asians can be successful in life.


Stop observing others and worrying about their life. Take a look into your own and get your **** together for starters.

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Joel.....stop it! You are not any more disadvantaged in life than the rest of us.

Originally posted by monkey00

Stop observing others and worrying about their life. Take a look into your own and get your **** together for starters.


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Sure some lame girls are attracted to a guys car, most don't care what you drive. Trust me when I say you want the girls who don't care what you drive.


You know what's keeping you from getting girls? A depressing, negative, desperate attitude. Girls can smell that a mile away.


Work on improving yourself, being happy as yourself, and then you'll meet the right girl.


When I was younger I had a girlfriend, and several girls pursue me when I was driving a crappy yellow station wagon that I bought for $100.

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I would assume that many girls like successful guys with nice cars, but luckily not all of them. I like successful guys but it's far from being the only thing I look for. I look for everything else: personality, intelligence, good manners, a warm heart, self-confidence, sense of humor, whether he is loving and affectionate, how he gets along with my kids, and many other things. The success is just on of them.

But since not all girls are like me (plus I am 30-year old divorcee with two kids), you should find the one who doesn't mind your financial status. Naturally girls and guys who are on the top of the desired-partner list will hook up among each other. Successful guys and good-looking girls seem to be the most desirable especially if they have other qualities as well.

You shouldn't aim too high unless you have a lot to offer and by that I don't mean having a fancy car. Perhaps you are handsome, educated, humorous, reliable, kind, intelligent... Don't forget that everyone wants to be with the good-looking girls. They have tons of fans hitting on them all the time. Do you have the qualities necessary to conquer a beautiful nice girl?

You would like your GF to be sexy, good-looking, kind, funny, good-hearted, and smart, don't you? Well the bad news is everyone wants that. But very few girls are like that and very few guys will be able to seduce them. So hop down to earth and approach the ones who are more suitable for you.

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Joel, you are making one REALLY BIG mistake. You equate "girl in a car with a guy" with "girlfriend" - that is totally not the case. Yeah the guy is probably interested, and yeah the girl is letting him think he's got someone, but dig a little deeper and you'll find that a lot of these supposed "girlfriends" are shallow, in it for the image, and they often rotate around the same circuit of guys every few weeks.


Sure some are serious ... but we're talking a very low number, maybe 10-20%.


Fascination with cars? Amongst my friends, yes, that's an Asian thing. Correlation between girlfriend and car? Maybe a little bit - it's easier to talk to someone when you're giving them a ride somewhere - but it's not about the $$$ or the car. But Asian girls liking guys for their cars? I ain't seen it.


Those guys with cheap cars, or (like yourself) no cars? They have girlfriends too... but those guys and girls aren't crusing the streets to be seen. They're driving around to get somewhere.


Joel, let me ask you this. Is your goal the IMAGE of having a girlfriend? Because then money does come into play. Or is your goal to HAVE a girlfriend? Because you can't buy a girlfriend. You complain a lot about the image ... but the image does not produce a girlfriend. It just makes an already-existing girlfriend more visible.

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once again, thanx for pointing out the obvious JOEL. we already know that girls want dudes with money and resources and usually these same dudes have nicer vehicles.

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This is very true, but then you have to asked, do you want the girl that is in it only because you have a nice car?


I mean if you're that deperate, put yourself into hock, and get yourself a nice car.


Good luck with that.

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Originally posted by BigB


Sure some lame girls are attracted to a guys car, most don't care what you drive. Trust me when I say you want the girls who don't care what you drive.


You know what's keeping you from getting girls? A depressing, negative, desperate attitude. Girls can smell that a mile away.


Work on improving yourself, being happy as yourself, and then you'll meet the right girl.


EXACTLY. We DO smell that fear, insecurity as soon as we approach.


Sounds like you need some help with the feeling good about yourself and you definately need some self confidence.


Trust me, if a woman is ONLY gonna go out with some guy cuz of the car he happens to drive, what does that say about her? My first boyfriend had an old beat up car, looked like ****, was really loud too - But I didn't care cuz I adored him. I actually loved his car, had personality!


Joel, you need to stop beating yourself up, DO something to better yourself instead of wondering what is wrong with all the females in this world and why they aren't flocking to you. Seriously, think about some self confidence, DO what you can to change your way of thinking.


Do you smile and laugh alot? How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Happy, angry or sad...Positive thinking and good enery goes a LONG way! And women WILL come to you if you're feeling good about yourself.

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Originally posted by BigB


You know what's keeping you from getting girls? Your depressing, negative, desperate attitude. Girls can smell that a mile away.



this is exactly right, BigB. :D you hit the proverbial nail right on the head.



Originally posted by alphamale

once again, thanx for pointing out the obvious JOEL. we already know that girls want dudes with money and resources and usually these same dudes have nicer vehicles.


and while this may be very true for many females, alpha, the point to make to joel is this....with his attitude, neither a mcLaren nor an aston martin is going to suck the chicks into his huge interplanetary insecurity zone.



(and what's with the prelude reference?! nothing wrong them, but i've never heard a girl go "oh you drive a honda prelude, i have a sudden urge to date you....)

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Originally posted by SexKitten

and while this may be very true for many females, alpha, the point to make to joel is this....with his attitude, neither a mcLaren nor an aston martin is going to suck the chicks into his huge interplanatery insecurity zone.

well SEXKITTEN, if JOEL did not change a thing about himself both you and I know he'd have better luck if he was driveing a nice car vs. a krappy car.



(and what's with the prelude reference?! nothing wrong them, but i've never heard a girl go "oh you drive a honda prelude, i have a sudden urge to date you....)

this is an asian thing

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I've never dated a guy with a "nice" car. To me, it's a waste of money, money that could be used on me lol... j/k, money for our future! I want a reliable guy who wont spend all our money on material things.


If you're just looking to get scored, sure, get a fancy car, and you'll find _a_ girl. But with those types of girls, the money better keep flowing, or they'll be onto the next guy who comes along.


Joel, stop blaming girls for your shortcomings. Work on your self. The way that you describe women is very shallow and noone with an ounce of self confidence will go near you.

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Originally posted by alphamale

well SEXKITTEN, if JOEL did not change a thing about himself both you and I know he'd have better luck if he was driveing a nice car vs. a krappy car.

If Joel had a nice car he would get a chick who would use him and try to get him to buy things for her, because, I'm sorry to say this, he lacks the self-confidence to keep this kind of girl in check. Would he know that she was using him? - Nope. He would come to this forum and ask if it was ok that he always had to pay for her and that they had been seeing each other for a year and she still didn't want to stay over at night. Also if it was ok that she talked about staying a virgin till she found the "one" and didn't want any physcial contact with him even though he saw her making out with her best male friend (who doesn't have a car by the way).


Yes, Joel. Follow Alphamale's advice and get a car, because that will change things for you and you will be much happier. :rolleyes:


I've seen you start so many threads here and nothing that people tell you seems to have any effect on you. Often I wonder if you read the replies at all. My impression is that you are very self-centered. Maybe you should get some serious help, because I'm not sure if posting on a forum is really getting to the core of your problems.

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Originally posted by kooky

Yes, Joel. Follow Alphamale's advice and get a car, because that will change things for you and you will be much happier. :rolleyes:

I did not say that KOOKY, i just said all things being equal he'd be better off with a nice car and have a bit better luck. Better for him to be with girls that use him than no girls at all!

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Originally posted by tiki

Just go get a frickin prostitute.....sheesh.



even the pretty whore's like a nice car!

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Originally posted by alphamale

I did not say that KOOKY, i just said all things being equal he'd be better off with a nice car and have a bit better luck. Better for him to be with girls that use him than no girls at all!

Am I supposed to really comment on this? :rolleyes:


A car and a girlfriend who uses him is surely not the endresults he dreams of.

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Jesus! You want a chick to date your CAR and not you?! Is there like a catalog of what chicks come with what cars? Is it like shopping? "Welcome to Acme Autos: I want a 5' 3" raven haired woman, 38, 18, 24; weight 103, shoe size 2, and she comes with a blue honda prelude, so give me the blue honda prelude please"


Even Barbie's dream car has a statement on the box: Doll Not Included!


Wouldn't you rather a girl date YOU? Well, here's a hint: You can't BUY self-esteem or self-confidence. Of course, if you think that success equates to money then get a degree, choose a high-paying job, make lots of money and get yourself a trophy wife.

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Originally posted by kooky

A car and a girlfriend who uses him is surely not the endresults he dreams of.

:rolleyes: so his other option is to stay home and masturbate. he'll learn a lot about females that way. :laugh:

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Originally posted by kooky


Am I supposed to really comment on this? :rolleyes:


A car and a girlfriend who uses him is surely not the endresults he dreams of.

maybe if joel actually experiences getting his heart trampled and stomped into the ground, joel would appreciate and take note of the advice given to him.

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Originally posted by alphamale


:rolleyes: so his other option is to stay home and masturbate. he'll learn a lot about females that way. :laugh:




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Originally posted by HokeyReligions

You can't BUY self-esteem or self-confidence.

sure you can HOKEY. or at least you can rent self-esteem and self-confidence. People do it every frikking day. Let's see....


- boob jobs

- other cosmetic surgery

- jewelry

- a large house

- high powered career

- nice cars

- good looking spouse or SO

- wearing nice clothes, etc etc etc


see HOKEY, many people get ssome self esteem and confidence from material items or external things. and there is nothing wrong with that at all. and many of these things to boost one's percieved self- worth.


there is no denying it especially in our consumer oriented society that bases much self worth on material possessions.

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Originally posted by alphamale

:rolleyes: so his other option is to stay home and masturbate. he'll learn a lot about females that way. :laugh:

So, you don't think there's something inbetween? Like having a nice girl who does not use him? What is he supposed to learn from women who use him? He tends to be a bitter dude anyway, do you think him having more bad experiences will help him to get a better picture of women?

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he never replies after he post anyways...........


let him make his own in-experienced decisions.

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