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i need more friends,my boyfriend isn't enough!

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ok this might sound like a stupid problem but here it is: all my life (i'm 26) i've never had a boyfriend until a year ago. i always belonged to a group of friends. i have always been used to being around lots of friends and basically having my pick of who to do something with. i always had a best friend in my life,one person or another. i always had plans for the weekend no matter what,for the last 13 years. well,when i met my boyfriend i lost my main group of friends (the reason isn't important,but it wasn't my fault).anyway,so now i have a boyfriend but my group of friends is gone. i have one or two female friends but they either live far away or are married. so basically,i have no one to just call up and make plans with. so,i am with my boyfriend all the time. this is such a drastic change for me cuz i'm not used to "settling down" with one person and not having a group of friends to party with every weekend. so now i feel more alone cuz it gets boring with just my boyfriend every day. i am afraid i'll never find another group of friends and that my life will consist of Saturday nights on the couch cuddling with my boyfriend and wishing i had a group of close friends around me. so anyone if you have any advice i would appreciate it! thanks!



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