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Terminal illness / Good bye letter


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This is a long story so I'm going to get to the point as fast as I can ,

Brief history here first .


Broke up 7 months ago ,I moved 2000 miles away to get over it , Kept in contact every day since then up until about 1.5 months ago then it was just here and there ( on his part not mine )


Planned on being back together until about the end of June.


Broke up due to illness he has HD . It is terminal and he is in the late stages, relationship was unstable due to illness due to my not understanding of how this effect the brain, It was as well abusive ( emotionally and mentally ) left before it got physical ( again due to HD ) he is not a abusive person at all.


We have known each other for over 20 years and always been great friends, were together for 3 years on and off.


Due to his recent disappearing act ( met someone and did not tell me ) he also moved far away to be with her. I was freaking out because I thought he has hurt himself or maybe even died , I thought that something was really wrong because he often talked about leaving and never coming back ( suicide ) . Due to me freaking out ( and i admit yes I did flip and I could not stop for over a month, many questions and always telling him he was pushing me away , He then told me about the girl and I flipped out even more due to me being crushed,


Here is my question , He has blocked me on everything , and deleted his email account, He has told me never to contact him again , he has said that he will charge me for harassment , it was both him and his girlfriend that has emailed me that . He will die very soon and this I know , I want to settle things before he does, It kills me that I had done all of this ( I think that really anyone would have reacted this way however with HD he does not see my point, Would you write a letter to say your sorry and your good byes , I have this crazy need to do this .


For anyone who does not know what HD is Here is a link so you can see what I have been dealing with, It is a brain crushing illness,, not much awareness out there at all about this.



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I think all you can do right now is to respect his and hers wishes to just leave him alone.


The things you need to "settle" are with yourself, not with him.

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I understand that fully . I guess I'm wanting to explain my craziness to him , maybe more to her I'm not sure . All I know is I feel sick with this all and a emotional mess.

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Didn't you look up symptoms of the disease while you were with him?


Regardless, if you were fearing for your safety, you probably needed to get away.

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Oh I did . I knew this through reading a lot of things . It is not that I want him back , im not going back . this post is about writing him a good bye letter . i'm debating that part, not about being with him, Now that I know I'm happy he is not alone , He has help . This is about saying sorry while he is still alive not saying it when he dies .

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Is his family still around? If so, write out your apology & goodbye letter to him and send it to them to forward. I'd talk to them first to explain things.



That sounds like a horrible way to go.

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They are not around and the ones that are well we kinda got into a fight because they lie to him all the time and made him wait around for hours like a child waiting for there parent to pick them up, it always turned into no shows .

The ones that are involved and we talk I really do not want to get them involved as that would upset him not the ones i get along with. They are fully aware of all of this and they supported me leaving , as well they are long distance to him. I can mail the letter to him . Thats my only option .

Yes it a sad sad way to go. It is very scary way to ive, I lived i fear all the time of is this the day , should I cook or give juices today .

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I wouldn't send a letter trying to justify your "craziness" or explain why did what you did. It seems self-serving and sounds like you want his gf to think differently of you. You admit you behaved poorly. There is no excuse. You can send a letter to apologize and let it end there but if you already tried to apologize before he cut you off and he wasn't interested in hearing you out, I would respect his wishes and let it be.

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I understand that fully . I guess I'm wanting to explain my craziness to him , maybe more to her I'm not sure . All I know is I feel sick with this all and a emotional mess.


Again, that's an issue with yourself, and not with him.


They probably don't want to hear an explanation. They asked you for something, respect that something and deal with this on your own.


If you want to, write the letter and then burn it or post it here. But respect a dying man's wish.

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