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As some of you know i have been struggling.

I been with a man for 17 years and counting, birth

four children yet still not married despite

all of my heart to heart out crying. ....

well, I would not give in on the topic since my

last post and he finally told me that, he do not want to marry

me than cheat, after all he may want to at least

Try something else (have sex with someone else)

before considering marriage. ..

He also said that because he is being honest i should

not with hold sex, or any thing else that i have been doing

Within the last 17 years because he could of just did it or lied about it..

Please tell me what you all think about his nerve.

I think that I want out even more now and i have lost

all sexual desires for him at this point. .....

Talk to me people , it is hard for me to think rational and or

not be bias. Do not hold anything back, say what

ever you think.......???????

Thank You,


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It's past time for you to leave. Think about what your decision to stay says to your children. To me it says you don't value yourself & it's OK for one person to walk all over the other in a relationship.

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Why would he marry you now?


He's had all the benefits of marriage for the last 17 years because you happily gave it to him. As long as you were willing to give freely, he took freely.


Why would you have kids with someone who doesn't think you're marriage-worthy?


Never have any man's kids who thinks that way about you. If you're not good enough to marry, then you're certainly not good enough to spit out 4 of his illegitimate kids.


Sounds like he's ready to go out and sow more of his wild oats. What a charmer you've got there. I wouldn't spit on this guy if he were on fire, much less have a bunch of his kids or wash his underwear. He's sounds repulsive.

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