Kaiten Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 For me and my ex, it ended about 3 years ago. It didn't end well. I was trying very hard to get back with her. Most guys would. She didn't give in. And then I gradually realized, "hey, this ain't so bad". I let it go and became someone I am quite proud of now (as opposed to before, in the relationship, I was actually a sorry mess and passive). I've since let all that stuff go. I don't want to be with her at all. My problem with her has been that ever since it ended, she's been a little bit of a bi-yatch, if you know what I mean. I understood the whole acting like you don't see me thing. But then it was the times where she walked right through my path slowly, when there was plenty of room to walk elsewhere. Everyone who knows us took her side and hates me. At first that bothered the hell out of me. But now it doesn't matter. She can have all those friends. (Made a whole new set of friends, so no losses). I seriously have let the whole thing go, and I wish my ex the very best in her endeavors I guess. But then recently I saw her at church, and there was this old lady exiting the room wearing a tight black dress. That lady was elderly but had a nice ass that I would compliment her on if asked. My ex and her friend were making fun of the lady as she walked away, and I happened to see them. After the lady had gone, my ex and her friend looked up and saw me looking at them. Her friend, thinking that she's clever I guess, pulls out her phone, holding it in such a way that I suspect I am being recorded. That's kind of creepy and invasive, imho, so I confronted them about it. Of course they denied it with smart-alecky tones in their voices. I dismissed it and left them alone. Then later my ex comes up to me wanting to know why I've been staring at her so much. And I give her a face like "b#tch please?" because I don't stare at her. But I apologize anyway and tell her I must have not been paying attention to where I was looking. I did that very respectfully. Then she walks a safe distance away. Starts whispering to her friend, but I'm ignoring it. Then in my peripheral I see her staring at me. Instead of going to the girl, who is 19 or something, I went to her dad, explained the situation and told him that I did not want there to be a problem between me and his daughter despite what happened in the past. He agreed. My question is: why is my ex still giving me attitude nearly 3 years later when she already has a new bf (they got together a couple months after we split)? I just want her to leave me alone. Do exes ever stop being hostile toward you? Link to post Share on other sites
Clarence_Boddicker Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 Yes, they do. Your ex is being that way because she's 19 & probably everything is a game to her. She's probably hot & enjoys the drama she causes or can be a part of. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
casey.lives Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 yes, most exes go on with their OWN life. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Els Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 Sure, oftentimes people go their separate ways without any hostility. But the younger you are the higher the risk of drama. That being said I think you shouldn't have tried to get her dad involved unless he approached you about it - despite being 19 she's still an adult and getting her parents involved is just strange, unnecessary, and might make the drama worse. Ignoring her is a better option IMO. Also, if she is 19, you view her as young, and you broke up 3 years ago... how old were both of you when you got together? 1 Link to post Share on other sites
PaperCrane Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 She's acting like a child so I'd involve the parents too in that situation because previous efforts are simply not working. She'll stop being mad. Eventually. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
d0nnivain Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 You broke up when she was 16. Although her chronological age has increased to 19, her maturity level is still somewhere south of high school. Ignore her. She's not worth your time. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author Kaiten Posted September 23, 2015 Author Share Posted September 23, 2015 Yeah I'm gonna leave it alone. I just don't think it's cool to record videos or take pictures of someone just because you don't like them or whatever. I have since left that church for other reasons. For a while we had some other mutual friends, but ever since this most recent incident with me and my ex, they have pulled away too. Whatever. Link to post Share on other sites
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