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Spyware to check wifes phone


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Never been the jealous type but seems like my wife is cheating on me

Recently noticed that she is on WhatsApp a lot and not talking to me

She seems to delete her messages daily so cant just keep looking and would prefer to know without having to access her phone everytime


Im wanting to check her phone and install Spyware, can anyone recommend any apps or spyware for this, phone is Android if that makes a difference



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Oh who cares about legalty, when ones wife might be cheating on him.

What you need is called a keylogger.


Just google free android keylogger.


I didnt try it myself though.

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removed commercial URL
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All's fair in love and catching a cheater. Do some research and find the best spyware you can. Sweep her phone, install a keylogger, maybe install a Voice Activated Recorder in her car. It doesn't sound like you will have any peace of mind until you find out one way or another.


Hope she's not cheating...

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You don't need a PI or "proof". I would confront with what you have, which is a whole lot of suspicion and two big balls of steel (right??).


Tell her that you know exactly what is going on and you have proof. You are bluffing of course, but she doesn't know that. You will be able to tell from her reaction whether you are correct or not. Tell her that this is her one and only chance to tell you exactly what happened, and do not back down! Tell her that if she does not tell you the truth right here right now, you will be seeing a lawyer about a divorce first thing tomorrow. Do not tell her how you know, just say you know and that's all that matters. She will probably try to blame shift and steer the conversation towards how you found out, who told you, how you invaded her privacy, etc etc. She will use every trick at her disposal to change the subject and make you seem like the bad guy. Do not allow that! This conversation is about her and her actions alone. Do not back down and eventually you will get the truth.


Also don't allow her to trickle-truth you. Whatever she does admit to, there is more. There is always more.

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PI 100%. Install hidden cameras in the home. Install GPS & DVR in her car. Catch her red handed in bed or at her boyfriend's place. Don't confront without proof. Playing a game of cat & mouse with a sociopath is a waste of your time. Get proof & get out.

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Voice Activated Recorder under the seat of the car. that's how most affairs are caught!


Phones are pretty difficult to hack these days.


other than that the expensive route would be PI.


you are already suspecting something based on her attitude?

best prepare your heart and your finances.

Edited by m.snow
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I say go with the VAR too (Voice Activated Recorder)


I actually busted my WS both ways, I was able to get the deleted texts off my WH's iphone. There are ways with Androids too just google how to do it (it's all over the internet :laugh:)


Keylogger on computer at home



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i know a private investigator who uses tools. All he needs is her phone number. i caught my husband cheating through him. Goodluck. :)



Hi melissa, could you tell me the name of ur PI? I would like to contact his services

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My best friend has been involved in a A. The relationship she has with her H has been bad for a long time. He knew it and she knew it. She was trying to hang on until her youngest graduated. She was very unhappy but did not want to get a D while her daughter was in in school.


Her husband kept trying to get evidence that she was cheating. Last weekend, he somehow got her password to her phone and read some text messages between my friend and her AP. He took screen shots of the messages, printed them and confronted her. He told her to move out, of course she didn't.


However she did go to see her lawyer today and was told that what her H did was illegal and it will bite him in the butt during the divorce. She has the printed text messages to prove what he did. He also is crossing some lines in other areas that are not going to go well for him.......telling the teenage daughter, attempting to contact the AP. The judge won't look kindly on him dragging the daughter into this and trying to contact the AP is harassment. Her lawyer suggested she tell her H that he needs to be careful with the things he is choosing to do. The M is over, now it is a matter of deciding how to handle the divorce. The lawyer told her the same thing someone else here stated, infidelity is not illegal, hacking or breaking in to someone's phone is. Doesn't matter if you are married to that person or not.

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Looks like a new member drive by and they never logged back in after posting this so I'm going to close it up. Thanks for your comments

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