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Ex contacted me again.. Did I handle this well?


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Ex lead me on a while ago and hurt me pretty bad. She got with some other dude which I played cool about but eventually blocked her because I was still stuck on her and needed my space.


She texted me today asking if I deleted my social media and I very honestly said "I blocked you because I was still thinking about you alot."


We back and fourthd some apologies and I told her I just cant shake that feeling. She said you'll find somebody someday and she was sorry for texting me. I said its okay at least you get it.. Peace.


Kinda felt good to just be up front with this bull**** even if its against the no contact rules. Might have set me back a little bc I was hoping she was contacting me for something more. I'm back on the market and really want to meet someone new!!

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You did good. From now on ignore her though. Her rebounding was foul. Let her deal with issues that'll stem from that. Good luck on healing, and finding someone better!

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