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My Ex still has sexy pics of me, how do I convince him to delete?

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Hmmm... file recovery program? did'nt know they existed. Does that mean as long as he has that computer those files can be found? Anyway I'm sure he knows nothing about that....he is no computer expert! So shhhhush and be quiet now please...lol ;)

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Good point.

If you sell your computer run something like"Clean disk Security" which is a free download,this will erase your hard drive completely.If you don't do this you'd be amazed what info is still available on your computer,SIN, visa, bank numbers, passwords, everything!

If you download Clean Disk Security run the Gutman 35 passes, although it might take allnight it will obliteriate all records.

The pot has been stirred!

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Originally posted by Bunnylove

Hmmm... file recovery program? did'nt know they existed. Does that mean as long as he has that computer those files can be found? Anyway I'm sure he knows nothing about that....he is no computer expert! So shhhhush and be quiet now please...lol ;)


LOL. :laugh:


My lips are sealed.

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I've had sexy pics of Girlfriends before, But I always

throw that crap out, if I've met someone new and

have started a new relationship.


I have NO pictures of my ex's at all.


Why would I need to hang on to a sexy pic of a girl that

i'm never going to see anymore?


That's just the way I am.


If and Ex of yours has sexy pictures of you and you're deciding

to remain friends, that's weird. If an Ex of yours has sexy pictures

of you and the relationship ended in a not-so-good way, that's

also weird.

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hi bunnylove


i am happy for you. i dont think i will ever call the person i talk to again. all i do is pray at this point he deleted or will delete them. hes engaged and shes supposed to me moving in soon..so hopefully. ug i am still sick inside over this. there are also these videos of me i dont want him ahving at all. even if they have some editing doen to them. i hope i can still get in tough with you. i need support of some kind , till i decided how to handle this. i need to get away and visit family this week because my mind heart and soul need a rest. wehn i return i am thinking of having someone call him that i can trust to ask him to get rid of all my pics/videos. one of my best friends here at home. but i really dont have anyone i can relate to or can relate to me except on this forum. so maybe we can exchange those yahoo emails on PM. let me know if thats still ok.


but i am happy for you. your contact sounded successful : )

i am proud of you for your bravery and determination

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