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By what criterion do you measure TRUE love?

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....when i miss them more than my own mother.....when saying "i really, really, really like you" just doesn't do my feelings justice.....when they are the first person i will turn to for advice....when it hurts when they are not there....when you need them....when i just can't put into words how i feel...


it is really so hard to say what defines true love for me. it is something that is so hard to measure, but just something that i feel in the pit of my stomach and so hard to put into words. it does so much more than make my eyes light up like infatuation does.


gosh, i wish i could describe it. i hope someone else can. maybe they can bottle it and sell it and we could all have a shot of it and the world would be such a happier place (hmmmmm, a bit too "woodstocky" perhaps...)

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What Is Love

What do I measure true love by hmm? A feeling is what it is. True love is a feeling inside you that you know is there. Alot of what people take for feelings are thoughts really, that we put into words to help us describe how we think, as if the feelings and thoughtsa re the same thing. And indeed, in some cases, they are the same thing, but in general, a feeling is something inside you that you can feel. I mean literally -feel- what it is, you can feel it pulling on your being, on your soul, on the roots of who you are.


SO, on to what true love is. For me, true love is the strongest feeling that you can feel. Its something inside me that pullsm e inexolerably onward, pulling me through whats bad, slowing me down to enjoy whats good, and making my life better. When I'm not with the person I love, I can feel this ache. I don't have to have a mental picture, or a mental image, or even a thought, to know this feeling. I can feel it in my heart, in my chest, in my entire body. This straining need that pulls and pulls, wanting me to be close to them than I am. Wanting me to be with them. Its this tearing feeling, as if I am missing something that makes me whole, as if I am missing something that makes me complete. Without that intricate piece of me, i'm no longer who I am. I'm not the whole me.


We don't choose who we feel this true love for. Its not a conscious decision at all. You don't sit there, and think about it and then tellyourself that you are truely in love with someone, or that you feel true love towards someone. There are no ammount of words out there that can even hope to describe the sheer FEELING that you get when you love someone. Not being with them is painful, not seeing them is sad, always wanting to be with them. When you can't be together, you have that dull ache all over. You want to spend time with them. You would do anything for them, you would do what they ask without a moments notice because not only do you love them truly, but you trust them without hesitation.


I also think that trust is a major part of this equation. When you love someone with all your heart, you trust them implicitly. You trust in their judgement, you trust in their ability to not hurt you, you trust in them as a person in general. You can have trust without love, but you can't have love without trust. What is love without trust but a angel with one wing, who cannot even fly to do his own job.


I'm not sure if this helps any of you, or helps you define what true love is. I hope this got you thinking a little bit about what true love is, or at least what the feeling is.

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