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ok i've been with my boyfriend for over a year now. the problem is,i'm a virgin (i'm 26),and this is my first boyfriend and i'm new at all this intimate stuff,i had a hard time letting him see me naked and i still prefer having the lights down a bit. but the thing with sex is,i prefer the other things,and i don't even care if i ever have intercourse. i can't help but feel this way,i guess sticking something in the hole and slapping our bodies together is not the way i want to do it. it just doesn't appeal to me,the whole intercourse thing. don't get me wrong,i love oral sex and foreplay and that stuff,it's just the intercourse thing i don't want. why have to worry about pregnancy,diseases,birth control,the mess,etc. when you can get off in other ways. i've been getting alot of crap for this but i can't help it. my boyfriend isn't going to stick around another year i'm sure and i'll never find a guy who will even wait this long. any advice is appreciated! thanks!



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If he is not willing to respect your convictions, then maybe he isn't the right person for you. Intimacy is more than sex. Most guys never learn that about intimacy and sex. Wait until you are ready, don't let anyone decide when the time is right. You must do that yourself. Sex is special and right when it is with the right person, so your idea of bodies slapping and sticking something in a whole takes on a different meaning and level to the relationship. It ends up being a way to share something beautiful with the person you love and care for. I have faith in you, you will make the right decision.

ok i've been with my boyfriend for over a year now. the problem is,i'm a virgin (i'm 26),and this is my first boyfriend and i'm new at all this intimate stuff,i had a hard time letting him see me naked and i still prefer having the lights down a bit. but the thing with sex is,i prefer the other things,and i don't even care if i ever have intercourse. i can't help but feel this way,i guess sticking something in the hole and slapping our bodies together is not the way i want to do it. it just doesn't appeal to me,the whole intercourse thing. don't get me wrong,i love oral sex and foreplay and that stuff,it's just the intercourse thing i don't want. why have to worry about pregnancy,diseases,birth control,the mess,etc. when you can get off in other ways. i've been getting alot of crap for this but i can't help it. my boyfriend isn't going to stick around another year i'm sure and i'll never find a guy who will even wait this long. any advice is appreciated! thanks! SHELLY
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Austin Reed

First...cutting out intercourse is not an option. Since it is impossible for a person to run out of sex you will not have any explanation for why there is no more.


Your best bet is to take charge of the situation. Encourage foreplay and oral sex but may I suggest you try different positions during sex. The problem is your boyfriend may not be very good at sex and that may be why you don't enjoy it. Telling him this is not an option. Go to your local bookstore and get a copy of the Karma Sutra. Show it to him and he will most likely want to try some of the positions. You may find one that makes intercourse tolerable and maybe even fun.

ok i've been with my boyfriend for over a year now. the problem is,i'm a virgin (i'm 26),and this is my first boyfriend and i'm new at all this intimate stuff,i had a hard time letting him see me naked and i still prefer having the lights down a bit. but the thing with sex is,i prefer the other things,and i don't even care if i ever have intercourse. i can't help but feel this way,i guess sticking something in the hole and slapping our bodies together is not the way i want to do it. it just doesn't appeal to me,the whole intercourse thing. don't get me wrong,i love oral sex and foreplay and that stuff,it's just the intercourse thing i don't want. why have to worry about pregnancy,diseases,birth control,the mess,etc. when you can get off in other ways. i've been getting alot of crap for this but i can't help it. my boyfriend isn't going to stick around another year i'm sure and i'll never find a guy who will even wait this long. any advice is appreciated! thanks! SHELLY
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