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I just cant explain this -- can you help?

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I know this whole thing is wrong, but I just cant help myself. Here goes....


When I was in high school, I knew this guy. We'd flirt alot and tease each other all the time. We did not date or anything, but the attraction was there.


Then, I started dating the guy I am married to now. He was dating another girl. We were all good friends, but we still flirted with each other. We even had a few moments of contact like holding hands or just saying a few things to each other that we shouldnt have said.


Well, he ended up divorcing that girl, and married another. We then all started hanging out together. We met in secret a couple of times, but actually had no sex. We would talk on the phone alot but LOVE was never mentioned. Again, the attraction and feelings were there.


We ended up finally sleeping together one time, and it was a quickie. We both felt guilty and didnt see each other again.


Well, now, 15 years later -- Im still married to the same guy, and he is now on wife #4. He has 3 kids just as I do. We are both happily married and have said that we dont want to ruin anything that we have.


But....we cant stop calling each other. Also, we have met twice in secret and actually did have sex.


Heres the catcher. I am friends with his wife and he works with my husband. We even get together on the weekends sometimes and our sons even play together alot.


We know it is wrong, but the feelings are there. We still dont talk LOVE cause I really dont thiink that is the issue. We are just drawn to each other for some reason.


I just cant explain this at all.


Is it possible to have an affair, with very very occasional sex, and a lot of phone calls and not get caught.


We cant get it together to see each other secretly alot, so it is a touch and go thing. But, we are serious about seeing each other. It is not a one way street. He calls me as much as I call him.


Anybody else go thru this before? Id like to have some outside advice -

I know alot of you are gonna pound on me for this, but maybe someone out there has gone thru the same thing.

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Do your husband a favor and divorce him. This is not fair to him and he deserves better than what you're giving him.


Wake up, woman!

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Originally posted by tiki

Do your husband a favor and divorce him. This is not fair to him and he deserves better than what you're giving him.


Wake up, woman!


Amen Tiki!


and why has he had 4 wives, so far? :confused:

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Well, now, 15 years later -- Im still married to the same guy, and he is now on wife #4. He has 3 kids just as I do. We are both happily married and have said that we dont want to ruin anything that we have.


You don't want to be wife #5 as who knows how long he'll move to wife #6.


This guy isn't worth it! So you had something waaaay back in school. Remember that memory. Cuz that is what it SHOULD have stayed as. Not a possible "potiental".


You're married now and happy. Don't let this OM any further into your life and turn it upside down. Enough damage has been done already - MANY people, including children are going to be extremely HURT. Just isn't worth all that pain.


Fix what is missing from your marriage - Head to councilling, and work with your husband to get the marriage back on track.


Good luck.

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