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My religious spouse...what to do?

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I might add that this is where my "Marriage is 100/100 not 50/50", philosophy comes into play. You'll find many Christian couples argueing over this because the wife doesn't submit, and the husband doesn't honor because one or the other is lacking........if both parties put in their absolute best, there shouldn't ever be a conflict......

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Originally posted by only1life

Consider going back to your hometown, move in with family or friends for a while. See if your husband even cares enough about you to come and try to make your marriage worthwhile again.



Originally posted by Mr Spock

If it were me, I'd ask if continuing on with this line of faith is worth losing a wife over. And go from there.


sound advice...



sorry to tell you this, but it sounds like you both need a drastic change, you are in the position because you probably saw little harm and you let it go. you can't do that anymore because your marriage and happiness is on the line. what you need to do is tell him that your marriage is on the rocks and you are going home to your family so you can sort things out(that is if you can get some time off from your job).


i will not judge his church or it patrons. however, he needs to know that the "church" is putting a rift in between you two that may be irreparable soon. i am at no liberty to tell anyone how to worship God. but this is not about his relationship with God. this is about his social circle. he need to be made aware of that fact, and that you don't know how much longer you can put up with it.


good luck...

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