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ok heres the situation im stuck in. My g/f and i have been together for about a year now, but now more than ever she smothers me. she gets upset when i go out with my friends she even caused me to miss a concert i had been looking forward to going to for months because that would have been on the only day she would have seen me one weekend. now i will admit that it is kinda touching she got upset about that but she does things like this all the time anytime i spend time w/ anyone besides her she gets mad at me. i brought this to her attention many times and she just is like "ok ill fix it" but its still happening and im getting extremely stressed out about this. if something like this happens again, eventhough id like to stay together i dont think i can take it anymore. any advice????

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She seems very immature, selfish and possessive. Any lady who cared about your happiness would have been very happy for you to attend a concert you wanted to see, even if it was on a day you were supposed to see her. From her standpoint, she may have been very hurt that you didn't include her in your concert plans.


At any rate, she seems the wrong person for you at this time. She has issues that she'll hopefully grow out of but right now she give you aggravation you really don't need.


Dust her and find a lady who won't put the clamps down on you quite as hard. A guy needs a bit of space to be himself...along with the togetherness.

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hi meridious,


my ex used to go to concerts all the time - in fact, in only went to 3 with him and i was more than happy for him to go with his mates. i mean, he had his life outside of me, right? why would i ever have been offended that he has friends and wants to go out with them without me there?


this girl has a lot of growing up to do. if she's getting possessive like this now, chances are, she will always feel this way. this kind of behaviour is not easy for a person to change. i have witnessed it many times with friends. it is childish and it can wear a relationship down. it's also insecure.


if it happens again, you shouldn't have to take it anymore. it's not healthy, and it's downright smothering like you said. you might need to consider finding a girl who doesn't get upset if you go out without her, or don't be with a girl and spend all the time you like with mates (like you should be able to do anyway).


good luck :)

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Tell her.


Use the line about a long leash - or whatever it is...


Was your mum smothering? Or was she cold?

ok heres the situation im stuck in. My g/f and i have been together for about a year now, but now more than ever she smothers me. she gets upset when i go out with my friends she even caused me to miss a concert i had been looking forward to going to for months because that would have been on the only day she would have seen me one weekend. now i will admit that it is kinda touching she got upset about that but she does things like this all the time anytime i spend time w/ anyone besides her she gets mad at me. i brought this to her attention many times and she just is like "ok ill fix it" but its still happening and im getting extremely stressed out about this. if something like this happens again, eventhough id like to stay together i dont think i can take it anymore. any advice????
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