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Heartbroken-- didn't move back to his mother's so he divorced me

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Hi, guys. About a month or two ago I posted about being tempted to return to my husband's mother's house even though nothing had changed since our separation.


Well, I'm in a lot of pain today. My divorce is finally going to be processed, after over a year of being in separation limbo. It hurts because I never truly let go. I was always caught between wanting to move on and always considering his pleas to get me to move back. I considered it many times, but after all I went through to get out of his mother's, I just couldn't go back to exactly the same situation. Nothing changed-- he's still living in his mother's house, with her unemployed bf, which would mean I would contribute to that and sit by and be a nice quiet girl around his mom, the real ruler of that house and his life. He says I didn't want to compromise, but I just couldn't go back to the same--- and whenever I expressed what I wanted, he'd get defensive, say I just want the image, or say "well, if that's what you want, maybe I'm not the one for you." He would always say that, until I finally listened and left! And when I left, he says I gave up easily-- he says I should've said, "Nooo, you ARE the one for me!" I can't do that! So for me to go back, something would have had to change-- ideally, having our own place, or the unemployed bf with a job (so I don't resent contributing to someone else's bf), etc. I would have to give up everything I have now, that I acquired during our year of separation-- so for me to let go of so much that I've gotten attached to, it would have to be very different! So yeah, that's my reason to not go back, and that his reason to divorce me, and it hurts, but he can't move from his mom's property and I can't go back. But it still hurts soooo much, the whole idea of making it official.


Also, he found out I dated during our one+ years of separation, so he's even more upset. He calls it cheating. It hurts me a lot because I never saw it that way, since we were separated, but he does and it hurts me that he's hurt. It hurts me even more that he says his dream was to get me to return home and I was out there having fun. I really wanted to be with him, but not in the same situation, and the impossibility of the circumstance just hurts so much. :( I know it makes no sense since I DID have the chance to go back many times and I didn't.

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Maybe this is not what you want to hear, but I honestly think this is one definite time where this is the best option, and in time, you'll see that and be grateful it's over.


I seem to remember in your last threads telling us about how he was professionally lazy, doing some trivial job when in fact he could have done so much better, spent money on a car, and lived in his mother's shadow. No woman on earth can compete with that last one, I'll have you know....


I know you must be sad, but really, I'm actually whoopin' for ya....

This means a whole new life, with brand new chapters waiting to be written....

Let Momma have her scrounging lazy son.

You no longer have tht mill-stone round your neck.

I'm sorry. I know it's not what you expected, but I think it's right.

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Thanks, TaraMaiden. Well, he said with him I would have never suffered poverty. He IS going to inherit his mother's triplex and he's the only son. However, the house is currently on reverse mortgage, so the mother is trying to pay that off-- she has about 8 years left, I believe. He said I was impatient, that I could've waited it out until one of the back houses became vacant. Now that the doors are closed and "it's too late," as he says, it does hurt to know I could have gone back and now for sure I can't. It's psychological, I guess. Maybe it's the shock of it being official now. It's really sad, but I guess it'll all make sense in the future.


Maybe this is not what you want to hear, but I honestly think this is one definite time where this is the best option, and in time, you'll see that and be grateful it's over.


I seem to remember in your last threads telling us about how he was professionally lazy, doing some trivial job when in fact he could have done so much better, spent money on a car, and lived in his mother's shadow. No woman on earth can compete with that last one, I'll have you know....


I know you must be sad, but really, I'm actually whoopin' for ya....

This means a whole new life, with brand new chapters waiting to be written....

Let Momma have her scrounging lazy son.

You no longer have tht mill-stone round your neck.

I'm sorry. I know it's not what you expected, but I think it's right.

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I could understand your sadness if he had ever mentioned any form of love, affection, closeness or desire to have you in his life, because he loves you.

Everything he mentioned as an advantage was entirely materialistic. There was no mention at all, from what you say, of anything to do with personal feelings.


That speaks volumes about him, wouldn't you say?

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He did mention all that too. :( That he loves me and all that and that he wanted to make it work. He tried many times to get me back. I guess I didn't love him unconditionally, and it kills me inside.


I could understand your sadness if he had ever mentioned any form of love, affection, closeness or desire to have you in his life, because he loves you.

Everything he mentioned as an advantage was entirely materialistic. There was no mention at all, from what you say, of anything to do with personal feelings.


That speaks volumes about him, wouldn't you say?

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Hi, guys. About a month or two ago I posted about being tempted to return to my husband's mother's house even though nothing had changed since our separation.


Well, I'm in a lot of pain today. My divorce is finally going to be processed, after over a year of being in separation limbo. It hurts because I never truly let go. I was always caught between wanting to move on and always considering his pleas to get me to move back. I considered it many times, but after all I went through to get out of his mother's, I just couldn't go back to exactly the same situation. Nothing changed-- he's still living in his mother's house, with her unemployed bf, which would mean I would contribute to that and sit by and be a nice quiet girl around his mom, the real ruler of that house and his life. He says I didn't want to compromise, but I just couldn't go back to the same--- and whenever I expressed what I wanted, he'd get defensive, say I just want the image, or say "well, if that's what you want, maybe I'm not the one for you." He would always say that, until I finally listened and left! And when I left, he says I gave up easily-- he says I should've said, "Nooo, you ARE the one for me!" I can't do that! So for me to go back, something would have had to change-- ideally, having our own place, or the unemployed bf with a job (so I don't resent contributing to someone else's bf), etc. I would have to give up everything I have now, that I acquired during our year of separation-- so for me to let go of so much that I've gotten attached to, it would have to be very different! So yeah, that's my reason to not go back, and that his reason to divorce me, and it hurts, but he can't move from his mom's property and I can't go back. But it still hurts soooo much, the whole idea of making it official.


Also, he found out I dated during our one+ years of separation, so he's even more upset. He calls it cheating. It hurts me a lot because I never saw it that way, since we were separated, but he does and it hurts me that he's hurt. It hurts me even more that he says his dream was to get me to return home and I was out there having fun. I really wanted to be with him, but not in the same situation, and the impossibility of the circumstance just hurts so much. :( I know it makes no sense since I DID have the chance to go back many times and I didn't.




You need to separate two elements:





(a) The person who is HIM-him... still living with his mom and with no aspirations of bringing you to a better class of living (*** the last part is the clincher, in this case - I mean, if this were merely someone who is struggling, for any of numerous setbacks which life can throw at anyone, then fine, but this is someone who sounds like a mamma's boy, and you can't solve that).





(b) Your investment IN HIM... is a very good thing... and you need to respect and admire your own ability to make your partner important to your life just because you selected him.


THAT is the core of nearly all *good* relationships... and you need to recognize that you HAVE that programming.





You have done many things right... but the person you selected just doesn't see fit to share what are veeeeery reasonable priorities WITH you.



So if you can separate those two factors, then you'll be fine, after you more clearly assess your husband's lack of desire for life and for a life spent with you.

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You can't love a spouse unconditionally, so don't beat yourself up over that. Its just not possible to love a spouse this way, nor is it healthy.

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Lassmary, in your first thread here we had a long conversations about you dating during this period. I had a hard time understanding your motivations because at times you made it seem like a major part of you leaving was you wanted to have adventures without him getting in the way (IE dating other men). Well, actually you didn't make it seem that way you flat out said it. You also said that your husband knew and accepted that you were dating other men.


My point in bringing this up is you really seem to not be planted in reality when it comes to marriage. It seemed that you thought your husband would just wait around for you to sow your oats and just waltz back into his life once you had your adventure.


I'm not nor have I ever been fooled by the window dressing of his mother being "the issue" here. This is about YOU and your unrealistic veiw of marriage, your desire to be married and live single. Your STBX has his own issue as you've explained it here, but going forward your issues are apart from his and something you need to figure out or it will also turn your next relationship bad in time.

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Well, he said with him I would have never suffered poverty. He IS going to inherit his mother's triplex and he's the only son.

That would have been a very unsafe bet, especially with a reverse mortgage already in place and an unemployed bf planted in the home.

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Lassmary, in your first thread here we had a long conversations about you dating during this period. I had a hard time understanding your motivations because at times you made it seem like a major part of you leaving was you wanted to have adventures without him getting in the way (IE dating other men). Well, actually you didn't make it seem that way you flat out said it. You also said that your husband knew and accepted that you were dating other men.


My point in bringing this up is you really seem to not be planted in reality when it comes to marriage. It seemed that you thought your husband would just wait around for you to sow your oats and just waltz back into his life once you had your adventure.


I'm not nor have I ever been fooled by the window dressing of his mother being "the issue" here. This is about YOU and your unrealistic veiw of marriage, your desire to be married and live single. Your STBX has his own issue as you've explained it here, but going forward your issues are apart from his and something you need to figure out or it will also turn your next relationship bad in time.

It's NOT unrealistic to expect your spouse to get a real job and leave mommy's house. OP gave him every opportunity to get his shyte straight, grow up, and become something resembling a man. He refused.


After she moved into her own place and began the required year of separation she went on dates. So what? She was separated, entirely self supporting, and "married" to a child like parasite who was actively manipulating her in hopes that he wouldn't have to grow up and become a productive member of society.


Frankly, I don't blame her a bit for wanting the company of actual men.


I give the benefit of the doubt here. I think OP would have been fine in a marriage with independent adult willing to leave home and start a life together. What she had seems to have been a marriage on paper only.

Edited by MJJean
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You're grieving and it's normal. I also belieeyou had hoped he'd make a change for fear of losing you and are rightfully in shock that nothing changed. Changing the status quo is very difficult, so it doesn't really surprise us the ones reading.


As far as his financial plans, he makes no sense. His mom is what? 50s, 60s? She can easily live to 90 nowadays and that's 30 years of your life living like that to inherit what? A property she doesn't even own and seems to not have enough funds to pay it off. So you'd be the one financing four people plus your kids, and possibly losing this potential home and inheritance at any time. Plus threats that you're only a guest if things got difficult down the line. I mean it was already pretty much leave if you don't like it. And you did, and that's very healthy for you.


Don't look back and in a few years you will be incredibly happy you didn't continue on that path.

Edited by cutedragon
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He says I didn't want to compromise, but I just couldn't go back to the same--- and whenever I expressed what I wanted, he'd get defensive, say I just want the image, or say "well, if that's what you want, maybe I'm not the one for you." He would always say that, until I finally listened and left! And when I left, he says I gave up easily-- he says I should've said, "Nooo, you ARE the one for me!" I can't do that! So for me to go back, something would have had to change-- ideally, having our own place, or the unemployed bf with a job (so I don't resent contributing to someone else's bf), etc. I would have to give up everything I have now, that I acquired during our year of separation-- so for me to let go of so much that I've gotten attached to, it would have to be very different! So yeah, that's my reason to not go back, and that his reason to divorce me, and it hurts, but he can't move from his mom's property and I can't go back. But it still hurts soooo much, the whole idea of making it official.



He 'says' a whole lot while sitting on mommy's couch and eating the dinner mommy cooked for him and wearing the underwear mommy washed for him - while doing the absolute MININIM for a grown ass man, doesn't he? Well, that's because it takes very little to shoot off his mouth. He doesn't even have to get off the couch to do it.


Someone THIS socially stunted doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.


Also, he found out I dated during our one+ years of separation, so he's even more upset. He calls it cheating. It hurts me a lot because I never saw it that way, since we were separated, but he does and it hurts me that he's hurt. It hurts me even more that he says his dream was to get me to return home and I was out there having fun. I really wanted to be with him, but not in the same situation, and the impossibility of the circumstance just hurts so much. :( I know it makes no sense since I DID have the chance to go back many times and I didn't.

Oh please.


He's a social outcast that most women probably wouldn't spit on if he were on fire on the sidewalk, much less date. Who the hell is going to date some guy who can barely drag his lazy ass out of bed to get to some low paying menial job and who prefers to live with his mother? What OPTIONS does that give him to date? Do you think there's a woman on this planet who would have been excited about an invitation from a supposed grown MAN to come hang out at his mothers house to watch TV with him because he can't afford to take her to Olive Garden???? Yeah he's all pious because he had no opportunities to date, unlike you. Unless he'd actually have you believe that he was beating the chicks off with a stick because he's so loyal and devoted to you? As IF. :lmao::laugh:


And let me tell you something. Begging, pleading and bargaining to get you back isn't the same as WORKING to get you back.


So big damned deal. He whined like the loser he is and cried about wanting you back. Big deal. How much effort does THAT take to whine and cry and beg? None. It's not like he works hard and had to find time to squeeze his begging IN between dedicating time to a career. So he had all the time in the world to do it.


I repeat. BIG DEAL.


The bottom line is that he was too dammed lazy and unmotivated to grow the hell UP and become a man you could admire and respect and WANT to come back to. No, it was easier to whine and beg then do that. And golly gee, that would have actually just SO much WORK and EFFORT to become a man you could admire so he was having NONE of that.


Next time OP, aim higher. Much, much higher.


You may be grieving, but one day you'll be jumping for joy when you meet a real man.

Edited by Lois_Griffin
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Well, he said with him I would have never suffered poverty. He IS going to inherit his mother's triplex and he's the only son. However, the house is currently on reverse mortgage, so the mother is trying to pay that off-- she has about 8 years left, I believe. He said I was impatient, that I could've waited it out until one of the back houses became vacant. Now that the doors are closed and "it's too late," as he says, it does hurt to know I could have gone back and now for sure I can't. It's psychological, I guess. Maybe it's the shock of it being official now. It's really sad, but I guess it'll all make sense in the future.

Well THAT'S a man with a good solid financial plan.


Wait around for his mother to die to inherit her house.


How admirable. Just be a parasite waiting around to inherit something someone ELSE worked hard to attain in their whole life.


There's no respect or honor in that despicable behavior.


Four years ago I left a man who stands to inherit a huge sum of money. I'm talking HUGE, over 1.4 million dollars in stocks and bonds. And I left him for reasons I won't go into as this isn't the point of this thread.


My point is, even KNOWING he stands to inherit a considerable amount of money in the next 5 or 10 years (his mother is sickly), he never just pulled up a couch and ghoulishly waited for her to die, like your husband is doing. He didn't take some menial job that barely pays for groceries and he sure as hell didn't look to ME to support him while doing the absolute minimum in life. He's a very hard worker and a few years ago, started his own business and was working there 7 days a week, 12 or 14 hours a day. He was highly motivated to succeed and enjoyed watching the fruits of his labor slowly build his business.


While he may not be perfect boyfriend/husband material, that doesn't negate the fact that I couldn't help but admire his ambition to make something of himself rather than sitting around all day waiting for his inheritance - and expecting ME to support him while he did it.


And THAT is the difference between a man and a boy.


No one can respect someone like your husband. It has nothing to with 'unconditional' love.

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I would have divorced him before now with those living arrangements. His goal in life is waiting for his mom to die and inherit the property...well I prefer a man who can buy his own house with me.


You guys weren't on the same page. I'm not seeing it as a great loss - but I know divorce sounds so final.

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It's NOT unrealistic to expect your spouse to get a real job and leave mommy's house. OP gave him every opportunity to get his shyte straight, grow up, and become something resembling a man. He refused.


After she moved into her own place and began the required year of separation she went on dates. So what? She was separated, entirely self supporting, and "married" to a child like parasite who was actively manipulating her in hopes that he wouldn't have to grow up and become a productive member of society.


Frankly, I don't blame her a bit for wanting the company of actual men.


I give the benefit of the doubt here. I think OP would have been fine in a marriage with independent adult willing to leave home and start a life together. What she had seems to have been a marriage on paper only.


Since she can't control him or his actions none of this is important. What is important is how she reacted and what her expectations where. Sure he has issues, but it does excuse her being married and dating. She never waited any year to date, that has been very clear if you followed her story.. in fact part of her leaving was so she could date others.


I'm talking actions and expectations. She expected to be able to, as she sakd in her other thread "live in the city center and have adventures without him" then when she was ready step back into her marriage as if nothing happened. That is what she expected. Well he didn't allow it and filed for divorce.


In reality she is no more equiped for a marriage then he is. And yes, I believe this would have been the outcome of any marriage she had or will have with any man past present or future until she gets grounded in what a marriage is about.


Attacking her STBX doesn't do her any good, making her feel better by making him seem worthless isn't going to help her grow. She need to identify her flaws and errors in the marriage and accept her role in the failure. Blaming it all on him (as many have been so willing to do) doesn't solve anything. Doesn't change the fact that she thought this was a good way to handle the situation.

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Lassmary, in your first thread here we had a long conversations about you dating during this period. I had a hard time understanding your motivations because at times you made it seem like a major part of you leaving was you wanted to have adventures without him getting in the way (IE dating other men). Well, actually you didn't make it seem that way you flat out said it. You also said that your husband knew and accepted that you were dating other men.


My point in bringing this up is you really seem to not be planted in reality when it comes to marriage. It seemed that you thought your husband would just wait around for you to sow your oats and just waltz back into his life once you had your adventure.


I'm not nor have I ever been fooled by the window dressing of his mother being "the issue" here. This is about YOU and your unrealistic veiw of marriage, your desire to be married and live single. Your STBX has his own issue as you've explained it here, but going forward your issues are apart from his and something you need to figure out or it will also turn your next relationship bad in time.


Yes, I do remember you telling me all that, and I agree with you to an extent. The problem is that when I left, it wasn't with the intention to go back or the expectation that he would wait for me. I thought it was over-- no change was made, he would tell me to "find someone else" every time we discussed the issues-- so I did. It wasn't until after I left that he tried getting me back. I didn't start dating until about 5 months after separation, after I had already done all my crying. It wasn't until recently that he talked to me about getting back together again. I'm already dating someone else, but going back was tempting because of our history together. He knew I had most probably dated, but now he knows for sure because he saw our photos together.

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That would have been a very unsafe bet, especially with a reverse mortgage already in place and an unemployed bf planted in the home.


Yes, totally. However, the mother is working hard to pay that off, so that by the time she can no longer work, it's already paid off and all his

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You're grieving and it's normal. I also belieeyou had hoped he'd make a change for fear of losing you and are rightfully in shock that nothing changed. Changing the status quo is very difficult, so it doesn't really surprise us the ones reading.


As far as his financial plans, he makes no sense. His mom is what? 50s, 60s? She can easily live to 90 nowadays and that's 30 years of your life living like that to inherit what? A property she doesn't even own and seems to not have enough funds to pay it off. So you'd be the one financing four people plus your kids, and possibly losing this potential home and inheritance at any time. Plus threats that you're only a guest if things got difficult down the line. I mean it was already pretty much leave if you don't like it. And you did, and that's very healthy for you.


Don't look back and in a few years you will be incredibly happy you didn't continue on that path.


Yes, so true. Well, by the time I reach the point of leaving, I have no hope anymore. I wasn't hoping he would change or ask for me back, especially since every time I wanted to work things out he would resort to the card: "I'm probably not the right one for you" or "Maybe you should be with someone else." Turns out the right answer to that was NOT listening and telling him, "NO, I want to be with YOU." THAT'S what he wanted me to say, now I find out. Sigh.


But yeah-- MONTHS later, seeing that he really wanted me back, I still couldn't bring myself to do it unless I saw some change. =/

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Oh please.


He's a social outcast that most women probably wouldn't spit on if he were on fire on the sidewalk, much less date. Who the hell is going to date some guy who can barely drag his lazy ass out of bed to get to some low paying menial job and who prefers to live with his mother? What OPTIONS does that give him to date? Do you think there's a woman on this planet who would have been excited about an invitation from a supposed grown MAN to come hang out at his mothers house to watch TV with him because he can't afford to take her to Olive Garden???? Yeah he's all pious because he had no opportunities to date, unlike you. Unless he'd actually have you believe that he was beating the chicks off with a stick because he's so loyal and devoted to you? As IF. :lmao::laugh:


And let me tell you something. Begging, pleading and bargaining to get you back isn't the same as WORKING to get you back.


So big damned deal. He whined like the loser he is and cried about wanting you back. Big deal. How much effort does THAT take to whine and cry and beg? None. It's not like he works hard and had to find time to squeeze his begging IN between dedicating time to a career. So he had all the time in the world to do it.


I repeat. BIG DEAL.


The bottom line is that he was too dammed lazy and unmotivated to grow the hell UP and become a man you could admire and respect and WANT to come back to. No, it was easier to whine and beg then do that. And golly gee, that would have actually just SO much WORK and EFFORT to become a man you could admire so he was having NONE of that.


Next time OP, aim higher. Much, much higher.


You may be grieving, but one day you'll be jumping for joy when you meet a real man.


GOSH, you are so damned right. He's made me feel horrible about the fact that I've dated, and he hasn't. But the thing is, he didn't even like dating ME. He just doesn't like to go out at ALL. Period. He'd rather run home to watch YouTube or play video games. He IS a handsome guy, though. It's just his personality. He says he hasn't dated because he actually has morals. Sigh.

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Well THAT'S a man with a good solid financial plan.


Wait around for his mother to die to inherit her house.


How admirable. Just be a parasite waiting around to inherit something someone ELSE worked hard to attain in their whole life.


There's no respect or honor in that despicable behavior.


Four years ago I left a man who stands to inherit a huge sum of money. I'm talking HUGE, over 1.4 million dollars in stocks and bonds. And I left him for reasons I won't go into as this isn't the point of this thread.


My point is, even KNOWING he stands to inherit a considerable amount of money in the next 5 or 10 years (his mother is sickly), he never just pulled up a couch and ghoulishly waited for her to die, like your husband is doing. He didn't take some menial job that barely pays for groceries and he sure as hell didn't look to ME to support him while doing the absolute minimum in life. He's a very hard worker and a few years ago, started his own business and was working there 7 days a week, 12 or 14 hours a day. He was highly motivated to succeed and enjoyed watching the fruits of his labor slowly build his business.


While he may not be perfect boyfriend/husband material, that doesn't negate the fact that I couldn't help but admire his ambition to make something of himself rather than sitting around all day waiting for his inheritance - and expecting ME to support him while he did it.


And THAT is the difference between a man and a boy.


No one can respect someone like your husband. It has nothing to with 'unconditional' love.


LOL. Well, his mother didn't work hard her whole life to purchase that property. It was actually HER mother (husband's grandmother) who bought it when she was young. My mother-in-law inherited it because she is the only one who stuck around to her mom, just tolerating her and paying bills-- all her brothers moved out, some even bought houses of their own. Her own marriage failed also, both were attached to parents. My mother-in-law's ex-husband would always be with his mom, that was one of her complaints. Now it's the same story repeating itself. Ironic, isn't it.

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But there was no change, right?


So he's only offering you to return to that same situation you deemed unacceptable for yourself.


And so, he knows he doesn't intend to change - but only expects you to accept what is unacceptable to you? No, no, no...


If it wasn't great then - it's not going to be great now.



I don't blame you for wanting your husband to provide you with a home...a place where you can settle in and build a life together.


He expects you to build a life with him, Mommy and her guy.... Most gals wouldn't find that attractive.



I know it's a sad day when divorce comes and is final... But it can also be viewed as a new chance to have what you prefer - a chance to be free!


No regrets...go on - be happy!


Thank you!! Your words mean a lot.

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