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Wacky woman ??

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I dated the this 33 year old woman last year. At first we were friends then became a couple for about thrree months. we had and awesome time together because we had so much in common.


She broke up with me one day ,told me she didnt want to be involved with problems in my life. I met her the next day to try and work things out and she kissed me , but then said she didnt want to be involved with me. She asked me back after a couple of weeks and told me she was miserable without me. Three weeks later she broke up with me again and came up with all kinds of excuses.


The day after breaking up with me the second time she called to apoligize for getting mad at me and asked me to a movie " as long as I was comfortable with it" (friends).I told her no. Anyway , I called her after a few weeks , we talked for 2 hours and she asked me to a movie. I went and she was being VERY touchy around me. A couple of weeks od this and I broke down and told her I could not be just a friend because I still had feelings for her.She told me was not interested in me. I lost control of my emotions ,I told her how beutiful she was, I was practically in tears. The conversation changed and we started talking about all the gopod times we had. It turned into a very fun 3 hour conversation.


Two days later she asked me if I wanted to go skating , I went we had so much fun it was amazing, we were playing like little kids together and she was holding my hand the whole time.We hung out for about a week then she got distant again, because she realised I had not moved on yet. She didnt want to go skating with me anymore because she was uncomfortable around me.


About three months later , I called her up again . We were hanging around again and having a great time like we always do together. She was very comfortable around me ( touchy again) .This lasted about three weeks , then she started to avoid me again.he was hot?cold for a few months untill I called her to ask her why she was like this. She said she was uncomfortable being alone with me. She also didnt know why she could talk to me some days and not talk to me a few days after. It was like the longer we didnt see each other the more comfortable she was.


Anyway , she got really defensive and started telling me she was not interetsed again and that she had told me this a long time ago. She also told me to leave her alone and she was going to avoid contact with me.


This whole time the only thing I have ever tried to do was be her friend. I have never asked her for anything.


This is really frustrating!


Whats wrong with this woman?

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She only likes you as a friend. She has decided that and you will either have to comply or leave her alone. She is being mean if she thinks that you can just go from being a couple to being friends. She may be able to but you cannot and she needs to respect that. Tell her you never want to see her again and to leave you alone if all she has is friends feelings. She is hurting you to much and then putting the blame on you. You have to stop seeing her if you can't be "just friends".

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Where should I start....


I think that if you wanted to be just friends with this woman that you would have respected her choice to be just friends. But you did not. It sounds like you were just wanted to get back with her the whole time. Bringing up old memories in a way to bring her back to you. It apears that she has given you ample time to get over her, yet you have not moved on. I think that you have alterior motives for everything you do conserning this girl. Why is this?


I think that your action have been speaking louder than your words. Your words saying we can be just friends thats fine, where your actions are saying that I want to take your hand and lead you into the nearest bedroom. Being a friend means accepting some one for who they are and not judging them for that. In this case I see that you are not happy with only being friends, you have alterior motives for every thing that you do.


Sorry if I offend you but I feel that this needed to be said to you bluntly.



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I admit I still have feelimgs for her and I have always been 100% honest with her in letting her know how I feel. I asked her once if she still felt comfortable hanging around with me knowing that I still have strong feelings for her. Well , two days later she asked me out to skating together and she was the one holding my hand and she was the one getting all touchy-feely with me , all this 3 days after I had poured my heart out to her.


I dont think she showed me respect. She knows I am not over her yet , and she gets touchy-feely with me all of a sudden. She wouldn't do with any other of her "friends".

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People want what they cannot have...anyway what kind of problems are you having that she did not want to be apart of...anyway, whatever they may be, she is only using you for an ego boost...get off her loser-ass mixed signal roller-coaster...and tell her next time you hang out, "look, I know you find me irresistable and can't help but be all touchy-feely with ME...but I'm not interested in you like that." Her jaw will drop.


She sounds like an "afraid to alone" ol'weirdo...don't beat yourself up about this...she doesn't sound like she's worth 2 seconds of your time.

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Whatever is going on in her head (loneliness, insecurity...) she is definitely not in love with her. She has hurt you a few times and chances are she will hurt you again. I wouldn't expect any romance with her if I were you. She might accept friendship if she is certain that you have moved on, but you don't need that. You need to really move on and find someone else. As long as you're around her, your heart is not available for others. And when you find another GF, she won't like it if you hang out with your ex. And she will be right.

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