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Ok, so my friends told the guy how I felt(the 5 years older one....), and asked him. He said that he'd go out with me if I asked him out.


So I asked him out, and he just kind of smiled and hasn't said much to me since. He smiles all the time when I see him (the cute genuine smile I love about him) but doesn't say much anymore. He'll talk with me online, but he even seems somewhat shy on there. What's wrong?! Why did this happen? Is this bad?!

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"Ok, so my friends told the guy how I felt(the 5 years older one....), and asked him. He said that he'd go out with me if I asked him out."


Why did your friend ask him that? How old are you? Who knows, maybe he felt pressured to say that because he didn't want to hurt your feelings. Or maybe your friend pressured him into that response in some way. (Lying isn't unheard of to get out of an uncomfortable situation.) Seems weird that he would wait for you to ask him out if he was truly interested, especially after finding out how you felt about him. I don't know...seems to me that if a guy wants to go out, he does the asking.


"So I asked him out, and he just kind of smiled and hasn't said much to me since. He smiles all the time when I see him (the cute genuine smile I love about him) but doesn't say much anymore."


Kudos to you for asking him out, but I'm confused. Did you ask him in person and he didn't respond, just smiled? (Your message makes it sound like he didn't give you a 'yes' or 'no'.) That seems really weird to me. Did you ask him for a specific date (i.e. let's have coffee/drinks tomorrow night), or more of a 'hey, let's go out sometime.' If you asked for a specific date and he didn't give you a response...I don't know. Seems like that's a 'no' to me. But if you asked it in the latter way, things might be different. Sorry, I don't know if I can give you any advice without that information.


"He'll talk with me online, but he even seems somewhat shy on there. What's wrong?! Why did this happen? Is this bad?!"


I wouldn't say it's bad, but he clearly feels uncomfortable about something if he won't talk to you like he used to. Have you seen him interact with any other girls? Is he just a shy guy? Has he had any relationships before? Could be that he's inexperienced when it comes to this kind of thing. Maybe you should back off a little bit and let him think about things. Remember, you have no way of knowing what's going on in someone else's head.

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Nothing seems to be bad at all...except you apparently didn't get an answer from him. You have to get him to say yes or no. Maybe he's shy, maybe he's just not used to ladies asking him out.


Ask once more, get an answer out of him. If he backs off again, don't waste anymore of your time.

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I'm 23.......


When I asked him if he'd like to go out sometime, he said "ok" and smiled and then just kinda walked away.....


And basically all he does is smile when he sees me now, there's like no talking like when we were friends before, except online.


He hasn't been out with too many people that I know of (I honestly can't think of any......) and I know he is kinda a shy person..........


"Ok, so my friends told the guy how I felt(the 5 years older one....), and asked him. He said that he'd go out with me if I asked him out." Why did your friend ask him that? How old are you? Who knows, maybe he felt pressured to say that because he didn't want to hurt your feelings. Or maybe your friend pressured him into that response in some way. (Lying isn't unheard of to get out of an uncomfortable situation.) Seems weird that he would wait for you to ask him out if he was truly interested, especially after finding out how you felt about him. I don't know...seems to me that if a guy wants to go out, he does the asking. "So I asked him out, and he just kind of smiled and hasn't said much to me since. He smiles all the time when I see him (the cute genuine smile I love about him) but doesn't say much anymore."


Kudos to you for asking him out, but I'm confused. Did you ask him in person and he didn't respond, just smiled? (Your message makes it sound like he didn't give you a 'yes' or 'no'.) That seems really weird to me. Did you ask him for a specific date (i.e. let's have coffee/drinks tomorrow night), or more of a 'hey, let's go out sometime.' If you asked for a specific date and he didn't give you a response...I don't know. Seems like that's a 'no' to me. But if you asked it in the latter way, things might be different. Sorry, I don't know if I can give you any advice without that information. "He'll talk with me online, but he even seems somewhat shy on there. What's wrong?! Why did this happen? Is this bad?!" I wouldn't say it's bad, but he clearly feels uncomfortable about something if he won't talk to you like he used to. Have you seen him interact with any other girls? Is he just a shy guy? Has he had any relationships before? Could be that he's inexperienced when it comes to this kind of thing. Maybe you should back off a little bit and let him think about things. Remember, you have no way of knowing what's going on in someone else's head.

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I think next time you're online, you should ask him one more time, but this time say specifically "coffee tomorrow afternoon" or "drinks tomorrow night" or whatever you want to do. Make specific plans. Maybe even though you asked him the first time he's still waiting for you to suggest a specific date. Since he said "okay" the first time, chances are pretty good that he wants to go. (I think, but who knows with men. :)) It sounds like he is shy, so maybe he likes you back but doesn't know how to proceed. Lead the way...


Oh, and be prepared to pay since you asked him, but if he's a good guy he'll pay anyway on your first date.


Good luck and let us know how it turns out!

I'm 23....... When I asked him if he'd like to go out sometime, he said "ok" and smiled and then just kinda walked away..... And basically all he does is smile when he sees me now, there's like no talking like when we were friends before, except online. He hasn't been out with too many people that I know of (I honestly can't think of any......) and I know he is kinda a shy person..........


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I have no idea why people do that hear. They post, asking for help, and type their frantic message in all Caps (which on the internet, is considering shouting/screaming)...like it was a matter of imminent life and death. Then you open up the message, and it's something trivial, a girl wondering if a boy likes her.


Now on to the matter of your urgent, pressing, earth shattering question.


You are asking your questions to the wrong people. You should be asking them to this guy. We don't know what's going on in his head, we can't read his mind, hell..we don't even know him.


Part of growing up, and being out in the dating world is learning to communicate with others. If you're not sure how to read him, what to think, then ask him!! Ask him 'online' if it's easier, write him an email if you have to....but ask HIM. We haven't got a clue what he's thinking.



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Thanks, I think I will do that..............=)

I think next time you're online, you should ask him one more time, but this time say specifically "coffee tomorrow afternoon" or "drinks tomorrow night" or whatever you want to do. Make specific plans. Maybe even though you asked him the first time he's still waiting for you to suggest a specific date. Since he said "okay" the first time, chances are pretty good that he wants to go. (I think, but who knows with men. :)) It sounds like he is shy, so maybe he likes you back but doesn't know how to proceed. Lead the way... Oh, and be prepared to pay since you asked him, but if he's a good guy he'll pay anyway on your first date. Good luck and let us know how it turns out!


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