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Justified in being upset?

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My gf and my roommates gf have been long time friends with this guy who they also both dated. Well he's staying for the weekend at our place. If that wasn't enought my roommates gf is also having her other ex stay over on the weekend. Im thinking wtf? Its like a slap in the face am I right? I should take off for the weekend. Roommate didn't say anything cause I think were both suppose to be ok with it.

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How do think your girlfriend would feel if the roles were reversed? This is so totally disrespectful to you. I think it says a great deal and what it says is that you picked a wrong girl to be a girlfriend with. Move on and find someone better. It should not be very diificult. I wish you luck.

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Dude, this is totally unacceptable. She's not only having her exbf stay the weekend with her, but it's at YOUR place. F that. I would make it very clear that if she wants to spend the weekend with her exbf to do it somewhere else. If she does, then remove her property from your living space. That's just crap.

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You need to be clear with her that this is not acceptable as you have concerns or feel uncomfortable.


She may not understand, but if its that important to you and she cares for you you should be able to work out some sort of compromise.


As for me and my insecurities. My ex told me once she had a male friend sleep over in her bed with her......nothing happened.


Enough said.

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Im all for being friends with an ex if possible. .....but,...this is just (as you said) a slap in the face. Yeah I agree..if this was reversed.......ooooOOOoOOooOOOoooh, man! Look out. YOu'd be "the biggest pig in the world". She is REALLY testing the BOUNDARIES of your relationship with this. Dont let her get away with it. Its YOUR house, right? Im sorry to say this (and I may be wrong),...but if she doesnt SEE your point,..then shes a huge b*tch.

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That's mental.

If you're in a relationship with someone well then he shouldn't be in your space.

I can't believe your GF even wants it.


Having an Ex-Boyfriend or a male friend stay over when you're not in a relationship is one thing - even if nothing happens - when you're in a relationship? - Unacceptable!


I'd have a cow if my boyfriend had an ex-girlfriend stay over - even if i was there.

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Disrespectful on its face -- doesn't matter whether it bothers you or not.


I say you and your roommate take this time to head to head out to the strip clubs... then dump her.

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