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are these legit signs?

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i hope you have some good advice for me. i should know better, but i just want other opinions.


kelly dumped me back in '97 and we tried to remain friends for a little while after, but it didn't work. for the next two years, we'd talk then not talk, so on and so on. it would go like this up through last may, when i completly lost all contact of her, i had no idea on how to get a hold of her. until last oct/nov she got a new job with e-mail accessibility and surprised me with an email. So we started talking again and went on a few lunch dates, since then she turned 21 and now can get into the clubs. so she keeps asking when are we going out to the clubs. she asked again last week and so i agreed to hook up on saturday. i had to work all day friday (two jobs) and she came in to see me at my first job just to say "hi", but we didn't make plans then. i couldn't talk to her too long cause i was pretty busy, but she said call her on sat. to make plans. anyways we ended up not going out cause she was sick. i believe her cause she used to always be fighting a cold or a cough. so this morning she emailed me again to make plans for next sat. "for sure this time", she said. so she contacted me, came to my work to just say hi and it's her idea to make plans to go out, what i need opinions on, is she tring to get close to me again? or am i trippin'? she has boyfriend right now, but he doesn't drink or smoke and any of that night life stuff, so maybe i'm just someone to hangout with? if i'm not trippin' and she is comin' after me, would i be a fool for fallin' for her again? - she was my highschool sweetheart so there's probably a little vulnerablity here. should i leave her alone knowing how hard it may be or should i think about giving it another shot knowing how hard it may be?

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Cancel all plans with her. Tell her when she ceases to have a boyfriend, you will consider taking her out to clubs on a Saturday night.


Why let this girl take advantage of you. She's pressing you to take her to clubs because her boyfriend won't. You need to make it clear to her that you'd love to spend time with her but it's just not right if she's got a boyfriend.


Now, if she wants to have lunch with you, that's another story. But let her pay every other time.


If she really wants to try to work things out with you, she will break up with her current boyfriend. But, then again, there are a lot of ladies who won't break up with one boyfriend until they have another. It's a wild world out there.

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