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Kids??...missing them ?

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My ex and I were together 4 years we have 19 month old twin daughters together. I have 2 kids from a previous marriage (7,6) . At the end of our relationship a month ago things got bad (arguing,trust issues). He's became friends with someone he said he would never talk to and has got bad on pain killers (Percocet). After the breakup he said he didn't know what he wanted to do he was "emotionless" I told him he needed to get help with his problem before there would ever be a chance again , of course he says he doesn't have one. Anyway he's staying with his parents as of now so I would trust our daughters to go there as long as they were home. Last Thursday we made the agreement for every other weekend and one day a week. While we were on the phone he said some very hurtful things to me like he hasn't loved me in over a year I need to lose all feelings for him and all this stuff. At that time I was still holding on to hope. Now all hope is gone and like I said I haven't talked to him or contacted him since last Thursday. Well this past Wednesday he made a Facebook status update saying he was at a strip club with something along the lines of " here at the stop club talking to these girls as long as I'm throwing money at them they will listen and at least act like they care". I'm not friends with him he's actually blocked one of my friends told me he wrote that. We used to go to the strip club all the time when we first got together. We actually used to do a lot of things when we got together. I'm wondering if this is all drug induced actions if he has a case of the grass is greener . Or if he was just never ready to grow up I'm completely over him and would never be with him again I'm just don't see how he doesn't miss me or the kids. Or what's going on in his mind.

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Or what's going on in his mind.


Add this to the list of things you're never going to know, and then remove this person from your life because they are destructive. You have children you really need to consider what influence his drug abuse can have on them.

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