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Well, some of you replied to my posts below : AN AWKWARD SITUATION :


Well, I really do no think I can be in a relationship with her, at least at this point in my life, however, I know that she is a friend of mine, who is hoping that someday I will be her boyfriend, otherwise, if she knew that she does not have a chance with me, I really don't think she will be a very happy person just by being friends with me. So basically, if I tell her that I just want to be friends with her, and there will never be a relationship between me and her, then don't you think its very hard for a person to be around someone they have feelings for but know for sure that that person does not want them as a gf/bf?


I dont want to lie to her, that night when we kissed, maybe we should not have kissed. Well, basically if she can not be my gf. I don;t think she will remain friends with me, and if she will, it will be very awkward to be around her, because I really dont wanna see her heartbroken. She is such a great girl, and I know so many guys would go for her, but she wants me, so anyway, she keeps calling, and I am being very nice to her too, and sometimes I even flirt with her, and maybe I am giving out wrong messages, well.... I will keep you posted what happens


thanks again people!

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