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Miss my ex so badly


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Hi there. I was with my ex for 5 years and she Andes it a week or so ago. I know it has only been a week but I can't explain enough as to how much I miss her already. We had such an amazing relationship! What are the best things for me to do to try and get over this quicker? I can't stop thinking about her she was so amazing!! Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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You can't get over it quicker. It's gonna take as long as it takes.



You can keep yourself busy. Exercise is good. If you haven't purged your space of all the relationship trinkets & photos do that. Rearrange your living environment so it doesn't visually remind you of the EX. Surround yourself with positive people. Try something different. . . take a new route to work, get your morning coffee somewhere else, eat at a new restaurant.

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I will try what you have stated in the above. Thank you for your reply!

I keep feeling the urge to contact her but I know it's not a good idea at this time!

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James we know exactly how your feeling I do anyway, I miss my ex with a passion and it's so painful it hurts, I want to contact her again and I only spoken to her 2 days ago on fb to try sort things out wasn't a good idea at all got even more broken hearted if that was possible it's been just under 3 weeks since she ended it, it's going to take time for you, I've just got a book Getting Past Your Breakup: it's audio book on my tablet I've only just start using it and hope it will help me maybe you should try something similar. ?





Keep strong I know it's hard but you have too

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Hi stemac. I think me and you are feeling the exact same just now! How long were you with your ex and what kind of break up was it if you don't mind me asking?

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Hi stemac. I think me and you are feeling the exact same just now! How long were you with your ex and what kind of break up was it if you don't mind me asking?[/QUOT


Hello James I was with her for a year and a half and loved her very much, I had been in hospital with heart problems over the last 3 month very very bad time, and she grew distance from me, then 3 weeks after the hospital where I was recovering and still am she finished it via a text,

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Oh yes very sad indeed I try to keep my head from not thinking but it's so hard I watch movies I live on my own so it's harder, I go for a walk ever night and tomorrow I restart my charity work in my local hospital, so that will help alot, and I've just got this audio book, and it's helping, you have feel the hurt and sadness and the crying and anger it's all part of the process of healing and moving on, parts are terrible to go through as I am going through them now like yourself

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Yeah that will hopefully help you out a bit! I hope it does!

I work every day but my work it quiet all day every day and it just gives me more time to think about it.

It's the hardest thing ever going through a break up but I suppose that's just life and life sucks!

Where did you find the audio book?

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You wouldn't be human if you didn't think of her and love doesn't just fade away overnight the book was downloaded from audible app I have an account with them, you can buy the paperback from amazon it's called Getting Past Your Breakup: How to Turn a Devastating Loss into the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You by Susan J elliott, she talks about how your feeling and why you feel this way :)

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Yes James I am listening to it right now I pause then go back to it I've been listening for 3 hours off and on, I think the audio book would be better as it's like someone telling how it is

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Well James it's making me think about me and not her and how much am worth its not an instant cure, but because your in a world of hurt and heartbroken you forget about who's most inportant here its "YOU" not her, so yes it's making me see how things really are, we all need a guiding hand and I feel she telling how it is

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James listen to it at home not work lay on the bed or put your feet up but really listen to what she talks about ☺


Anytime am here ☺

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