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Jealous Over GF's Past

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Some truth to this. From reading one of the emails it appears that she got almost 150 responses from men in 24 hours after posting one ad on CraigsList. If I posted a similar ad on CraigsList that I was looking for a FWB with a woman or two and hoped to corral a stable of them I doubt I would get more than a response or two. I'm just glad she came to her senses and went back to being a church going woman that I was able to meet.
The proof of this idea is all around us and isn't very hard to grasp if you put some thought into it. If you're an attractive girl, go up to any man and ask him if he wants to have sex. You're likely to hear something along the lines of "Hell yeah!" Or "Sure!!". As a man? Walk up to any woman and ask her to have sex, she's likely to call the police. Women are pitchers, they don't get ahead by giving the batter a free home run every time. But the men, the batter in this case, it is his goal to hit the home run. It's simple biology and supply and demand. The double standard technically exists, but it exists for completely logical reasons. Not because guys are hell bent on dragging promiscuous women down.
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Went to my weekly counseling session this week and worked through a lot of this stuff. Going to simply focus on what appears to be a bright future and not dwell on this too much. Overall she is a great woman with rock solid values now. I understand going off the deep end after a bad break up, plus combined with work & family stress, some depression and other stuff. She has been very grace filled in dealing with my past, so going to extend the same courtesy to her. Most women would have run off screaming if they heard my background. But we both got our stuff together and are better off for it.

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